Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 895, October 23, 2016

Freedom, immortality, and the stars.
Not necessarily in that order.
What more could a girl ask for?

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Bill St. Clair

Letter from Don Wilson

Letter from Kristophr

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Bill St. Clair

In TLE 894, J. Neil Schulman penned an article entitled “The Real Presidential Election,” in which he said, “The Electors of the Electoral College pick the president.” Indeed they do.

I don‘t believe in the concept of president, but if I did, I would consider the Electoral College to be a very good idea, executed improperly.

I am not qualified to vote for president. My sixty years on the planet have not trained me well enough to choose the leader of the free world. Furthermore, I‘ll never get to meet the candidates, short of maybe seeing them from afar, after driving to one of the few places they actually visit in person.

My local electors, on the other hand, are… local. They still “represent” too many people, pretty close to 600,000, but I have some chance of getting to know them in person. And I have some chance of forming an opinion about whether THEY are qualified to choose a president.

I don‘t think the presidential candidates‘ names should appear on the ballot. We should vote for our local electors. THEIR names should be on the ballot. And they should choose the president. Which they already do, but let’s be honest about that fact.

But then, I‘m an anarchist. I don‘t think there should BE a president. Taxation is extortion, a heinous crime. End it.

Bill St. Clair
[email protected]

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Letter from Don Wilson

Ayn Rand vs Collectivism

I know you revere Ayn Rand and objectivism/selfownership.

Came across a horrible book online. (could be the work of Atlas Shruged villians)

I don’t think you should publish it, the author doesn’t deserve the publicity. Mabye just share this with objectivists/selfowners/anticollectivists etc.

How Bad Writing Destroyed the World: Ayn Rand and the Literary Origins of the Financial Crisis by Adam Weiner.

Literature can be used to disseminate ideas with devastating real- life consequences. In How Bad Writing Destroyed the World, Adam Weiner spans decades and continents to reveal the surprising connections between the 2008-2009 financial crisis and a relatively unknown nineteenth-century Russian author.

A congressional investigation placed the blame for the financial crisis on Alan Greenspan and his deregulatory policies-his attempts, in essence, to put Ayn Rand’s Objectivism into practice. Though developed most famously in Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, Objectivism sprouted from the Rational Egoism of Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s What Is to be Done? (1863), an enormously influential Russian novel decried by the likes of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Nabokov for its destructive radical ethics. In tracing the origins of Greenspan’s ruinous ideology, How Bad Writing Destroyed the World combines literary and intellectual history to uncover the danger of hawking “the virtues of selfishness,” even in fiction.

Don Wilson
email address suppressed by request

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Letter from Kristophr

Blade of p’Na question

I just finished Blade of p’Na.

(Short review: yell “take my money now” at El-neil, and trade some money for this.)

Question: Are the Greys responsible for Marxism, as a zombie recruitment tool? Marxism might be too freaking stupid to spawn naturally…

Best regards,
[email protected]

The Editor notes: You can get Blade of p’Na right now at
Blade of p'Na cover

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Letter from A.X. Perez

I caught MS. Clinton in a huge lie in the Wednesday 19 October debate. Very specifically, she falsely characterized the Washington DC ban on carrying handguns for self defense and all but forbidding keeping guns in a suitable condition to use for self defense as a law designed to prevent kids from accidentally shooting themselves and others. Yeah, sure.

Story told me by a friend: She was talking with her ex-husband’s second wife. Second wife was complaining that she couldn‘t believe he had started an affair and then dumped No. 2 for wife No.3. My friend told her “Why not? He did the same thing to me with you.”

I leave this to my gentle reader as to why you need to respect the other folks‘ rights. Lately, I have heard several good people comment that the Constitution is out of date. I say the constraints it puts on the abuse of power can never be out of date. The two scary clowns running for the presidency this year are evidence these constraints are needed.

Per our noted publisher’s recommendation I read David Wong’s excellent “How Half of America Lost Its F**king Mind”

Pol Pot was a murderous maniac. However, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if America’s urban intelligentsia got driven out of he city and had to work tending and harvesting crops, digging in mines, laying tracks for railroads, etc.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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