Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 895, October 23, 2016

Freedom, immortality, and the stars.
Not necessarily in that order.
What more could a girl ask for?

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Team Hillary Spews Yet Again
by Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

No, that isn’t the actual Hillary Clinton for President campaign bus.

But maybe it SHOULD be Her Majesty’s official stagecoach.

Hillary’s performance as a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State was bad enough – the above picture sums up her “public service” rather nicely.

So does the next bit –

Remember this scene from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ?

The reality in Lawrenceville, Georgia doesn’t seem to be far from that clip –

Gateway Pundit: Figures. Hillary Bus Caught Dumping Sh*t on Highway (VIDEO)

WND: Hillary bus caught illegally dumping poop in street

CBS-46 WGCL-TV video clip on reddit

One wonders if Christian de la Rosa (the local TV reporter on the scene) will soon be found dead after having “committed suicide” from being shot in the back of the head several times, from different angles. Or killed via an &ldqou;accident” at the local gym.

For what it’s worth, maybe Donald Trump might get some mileage out of this incident for a few days, but does anyone really expect any significant legal ramifications from this for Team Hillary?

Seriously, folks?

If any of us Joe Sixpack types did that sort of thing, we would be looking at hefty federal-, state-, and local-level fines (at least 10,000), jail or prison time, a felony conviction, being unhireable for years, that sort of thing.

If anything happens to Team Hillary, it will most likely fall upon the bus driver and campaign crew of the bus. Any senior staff involved will most likely skate on this one.

Of course, I’m just guessing here, but if the past is any indicator – the private home-based server, Benghazi, Rosatom, Libya, Syria, the DNC emails, Vince Foster, Whitewater, the 1994 White House health care task force,interactions with George Soros, – Hillary and her senior staff won’t have to give up the cocktail party circuit one bit.

Yeah, I know what the Hillzillers will say – “She didn’t tell them to do that! You can’t hold her responsible for that!”

Why not?

If anyone is a supporter of third-party liability to get at parties with deep pockets, it’s Hillary.

Just ask the gun industry – she’s been talking about repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act for a while now.

It just goes to show, you might be able to take Hillary out of the corruption, but you can’t get the corruption out of Hillary.

For the record, NO, Hillary is NOT a “wonderful public servant,” despite whatever you’ve heard on CNN. For anyone who says that Hillary has “no criminal intent,” I defy you to cite ten (10) times in the last twenty years when she’s acted criminal intent (the intention of taking from others without their consent, etc.).

H/T David Codrea at The War on Guns

Copyright © 2016 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.

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