Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 897, November 6, 2016

Whistle-blowers Edward Snowden, Julian Assange,
and Chelsea Manning are the modern Prometheuses,
despised and hunted by the traditional “gods”
for bringing enlightenment to you and me, mere mortals.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: Texas: No Incidents at UTEP with two months of Campus Carry

“I feel less safe because I’m not 21 yet, so I can’t have a gun yet. So I feel less safe,” Salado said.

Three comments: El Paso is so Blue our mariachi bands play songs by B.B. King and Muddy Waters. Yet one of our college students (who tend to be even more liberal than average) feels less safe without a gun.

The speaker is a young lady. Remember when women were looked at as a voting block who supported gun control. Yet Ms. Salgado wants a gun.

The speaker is a Latina. Remember how people were expressing concern that Latinos would support gun control? Yet she, and a large number of Latinos and Latinas want guns.

I am from El Paso and I am proud to share my city with this young lady and Ms. Gallegos.


A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

Guns and Governments

Hillary v George on Guns and Government

Dennis Wilson
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Thoughts on the Election

I never thought I’d consider the yearly end of daylight saving time a bad thing. However, this year it means having to listen to an extra hour of Political Ads by the Donald and Hillary.

Remember the joke: “People told me, ‘Vote for Candidate A and bad things will happen.’ So I voted for Candidate A and They happened?” The point of the joke being that Candidate B won. Sadly, this cycle this applies whoever wins.

As soon as we get over next Tuesday we need to start grooming candidates and a party with following short term platform goals. Please note that some are “baby steps” towards higher goals.

1. No further gun control laws, reopening the machine gun register to adding new weapons for civilian ownership, changing the minimum length of all long guns to 22 inches and barrels to 13 inches to not be classified as short barreled weapons. (example of baby step.)

2. Legalizing marijuana and hashish. (baby step.)

3. Unless the owner is convicted of a crime, the government may not apply civil asset forfeiture and then only to those assets used to commit a crime with the owners connivance or proven beyond a doubt gained in a particular criminal act.

By 2018 we need candidates who stand a chance of winning advocating these three planks on their personal platform (running for Congress and state and local offices. In a perfect world, all candidates would support these three planks and be fighting over who can implement them best, not whether or not to pass them.

These should be three non negotiable planks. No one get to run on two out of three (unless one is passed before the election, then we add a new plank to be determined at a future time.). The only reason these should not be passed by the next election is because they couldn’t get enough votes, not because one of the people who got elected for supporting these goals horse traded them or any of them away for some other goal.

Then we go after the new goals or expand on these.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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