Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 901, December 4, 2016

Let the free market come up with whatever solutions
are required. If you don’t believe it can and will,
why are you calling yourself a libertarian?

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Mike Blessing

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from Mike Blessing

Just How Stupid Are They?!

While browsing the gold mine of information that is, I came across this gem

Here's the PDF version, for grins and giggles.

The absolutely hilarious part about it is this line in bold-type red ALL-CAPS across the bottom —


Seriously, folks?

The technology depicted on the poster has been around for over one hundred years before the poster was published (April, 2006).

This sort of information has been in the public domain since the 1950s – that's over fifty years.

Yet this agency still thinks that this is on the level of "TOP SECRET" ?

No wonder we refer to them as "the F- Troop" – the moniker is definitely hard-earned in their case.

Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: “The First Amendment Means What It Says” by L. Neil Smith

“Private displays and private sentiments are one thing, well within the rights of every American. But the official public expression of religion, at official public expense, using official public facilities, is wrong.”

Unfortunately, lack of such public displays is also wrong; it is approved by atheists. So it still is choosing sides.

Maybe what really is wrong, is that there are such things as “official public facilities” in the first place, such that no matter what is done with them, it is favoring one religion over another. Or if one cannot imagine life without such facilities, then maybe the wrong thing is having any policy at all about it—better to just let private individuals put their own displays up on them, without government vetting or permission.

Of course that would be anarchy, and as we all know, anarchy cannot work.

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

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