Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 908, January 29, 2017

I awoke the morning after the
election, filled with a relief and
joy that I have never felt before.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L. Neil Smith

PREDICTION: Donald Trump is being made fun of by Marxoid talking heads on TV for beginning an investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 General Election. As the futurist who predicted (among many other things) the collapse of the Soviet Union (in 1981), I am confident that the number of illegal immigrants and dead people in Califtrnia and elsewhere who “voted” for Hillary Clinton last fall will far outnumber the margin by which it’s claimed she “won the popular vote”.

It’s vitally important to write down and remember the names of the propagandists, especially on FOX who are mocking Trump now, and once the investigation is complete, to rub it in their faces and run them out of the news-faking business.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

How Elon Musk and SpaceX might get Trump defectors to Mars

Now this one takes the cake. At least it’s a more constructive and socially redeeming enterprise than heckling and throwing fits and stuff at people.

[link to Business Insider dot Com]

If they stay alive and succeed—maybe they’ll find happiness and fulfillment on the new frontier. And learn the value of work and property.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Editor,

As always, thank you very much for all the work you put into crafting each edition of L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise. It is my favourite reading for every Sunday morning.

Please be advised that my friend, Ben Stone, has put the following page on his site:

Further explanation, and a look at his field manual on Sedition, Subversion, and Sabotage is found here:

As you will recall, I wrote a review of Ben's field manual which you were kind enough to publish:

Early in January it became clear that I would need to write a field manual parody of my own. It was great fun to write. And, of course, it is important for above ground activists to repudiate it.


Jim Davidson
[email protected]

[ Note from the Editor: I read Jim's manual, and it is very interesting, entertaining, and informative. You should read it also—Editor ]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

An open letter to Mr. Donald J. Trump,

You are my President. Let’s get that point clear. Whether I voted for you or against you don’t make no never mind. You won the 2016 Presidential fair and square under the rules. That makes you President of the United States and my President since I am an American citizen. You are my hired hand whose job is to help me secure certain unalienable rights, and all my immunities and privileges, both natural born and created by the Constitution and other laws of the United States (mostly voting rights and some other details aimed at enforcing my natural born rights ). Your duties and powers to carry them out are spelled out in Article Two of the United States Constitution, with some spillover in Article One.

As your boss I want to mention that you need to stop discussing whether or not you were cheated out of winning the popular vote. Put the appropriated cop on it and keep your peace until they report. It’s more dignified. Also, lacking a “popular mandate” is a reminder that you are not some kind of Messiah or in some manner above the law, concepts the last two presidents of your opposition party failed to master.

I’m real happy that you seem to be reducing the size and power of the bureaucracy, however, I need to remind you not to give executive orders that the Courts are eventually going to have to declare unconstitutional. It’s a waste of taxpayers’ (your 325 million bosses) money. Also, please don’t make comments about other nations lack of respect that sound like Adolph Hitler talking his way up to invading Poland. Also, please remember that anything that raises import duties is tax on the American people, not the people you expect to pay for Border walls.

Overall, you’ve done okay this first week. Keep plugging away and remember “non illegitimati carborundum” (actually it’s “Noli sinere nothos te opprimere”).

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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