Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 913, March 12, 2017

There is a simple way for the Dems to stop
complaining about the Russians. All the
Russians have to do is go back to Communism

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Medical Freedom!

PROJECT MEDICAL FREEDOM: pass this on to everyone you know and post it somewhere every day until it’s no longer necessary. Tell your Senators and Congressmen and anybody else who’ll listen. that America doesn’t need to “replace” Obamacare, once it’s repealed. What America needs (to be great again) is TOTAL SEPARATION OF MEDICINE AND STATE.

L.Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

The passage of Brexit and Donald Trump’s political success, both in getting the GOP nomination and winning the 2016 US Presidential election, have been taken as signs by some that democracy is failing. Many pundits have rediscovered the Founding Fathers’ fear of Mobocracy, what our Publisher taught me to call Majoritarian Tyranny.

If these pundits were calling for a more anarchistic system or strict enforcement of Constitutional guarantees of civil liberties there wouldn’t be a problem. When you get down to it, that’s what TLE is about. However, these solons are expressing a belief that by voting the way they have lately the great unwashed masses have demonstrated that they are too ignorant to be trusted with the franchise. These elitists are all but openly coming out and calling for rule by a handpicked elite made up of, well, them.

Someone needs to call them on their self serving BS. Us perhaps?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana
First-ever Kindle edition

Now available:

In 1973, Robert A. Heinlein was sixty-six, at the height of his literary career; J. Neil Schulman was twenty and hadn’t yet started his first novel. Because he was looking for a way to meet his idol, Schulman wangled an assignment from the New York Daily News—at the time the largest circulation newspaper in the U.S.—to interview Heinlein for its Sunday Book Supplement. The resulting taped interview lasted three-and-a-half hours. This turned out to be the longest interview Heinlein ever granted, and the only one in which he talked freely and extensively about his personal philosophy and ideology.

The Robert Heinlein Interview contains Heinlein you won’t find anywhere else—even in Heinlein’s own Expanded Universe. [Vol-1 and Vol-2] If you want to know what Heinlein had to say about UFO’s, life after death, epistemology, or libertarianism, this interview is the only source available.

Also included in this collection are articles, reviews, and letters that J. Neil Schulman wrote about Heinlein, including the original article written for the Daily News, about which the Heinleins wrote Schulman that it was, “The best article—in style, content, and accuracy—of the many, many written about him over the years.”

This book is must-reading for any serious student of Heinlein, or any reader of his seeking to know him better.

Praise for The Robert Heinlein Interview

“I’ve been encouraging Neil for years to bring out his interview with Robert as a book. To my knowledge, this is the longest interview Robert ever gave. Here is a book that should be on the shelves of everyone interested in science fiction. Libertarians will be using it as a source for years to come.”
—Virginia Heinlein

“On June 26 [1973], Schulman phoned to discuss the interview, and Heinlein gave the most ‘personal’ interview he had ever done …”
—William H. Patterson Jr., Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: 1948-1988 The Man Who Learned Better

“I could hear Heinlein’s voice in Schulman’s faithful transcription of the interview, and more important, I heard an exchange of ideas— on politics, religion, epistemology, and teleology—that one rarely encounters in an era schizophrenically split between powder-puff PR pieces and confrontational ambush interviews.”
—Victor Koman, author of Kings of the High Frontier, reviewing for the Heinlein Society

“Once in a while you find a writer who says with almost perfect clarity the things you have been thinking. The interview with RAH is the crown jewel of the book. On my scale of 0 to 5, this is worth reading, worth rereading, and worth keeping to read again.”
—Darryl Kenning, Reading For Pleasure

“Schulman’s book helps put the great master’s work and life in context, helps us to see the magnitude and beauty of Heinlein’s accomplishments.”
—Stephan Kinsella, GEnie Science Fiction and Fantasy RoundTable

“The more Heinlein you read, the more you must read. Inevitably, your curiosity about who he was and how he became one of the world’s most extraordinary writers begins to eat at your intelligence. Incredibly, J. Neil Schulman, a mere boy at the time, was able to gain Heinlein’s complete confidence and trust. This text of the interview Schulman was able to arrange with Heinlein will answer a thousand questions for you. Schulman was as prepared to interview the great man as any person could have possibly been. Any consideration of Heinlein’s life and work will be incomplete without including this small in size, but gigantic in significance, look into the mind of Heinlein, whose genius will only be regarded as greater with every passing year. The author, Schulman, went on to become a terrific science fiction writer himself, winning two Prometheus awards of his own.”
—Jack Landman, host, Cybercity Radio

Heinleiniana Kindle cover

J Neil Schulman
[email protected]

The World According to J. Neil Schulman:


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