Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 930, July 9, 2017

“A man has got to know his limitations.”

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Kristophr

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Roman Pushkin

Letter from Ann Morgan


Letter from Kristophr

Re: “It’s the Socialism, Stupid!” by L. Neil Smith.

But I ask you: what the mother-jumping hell is wrong with Republicans-In-Name-Only (RINOs) who don’t believe in the efficacy (look it up, RiNOs) of the free, unfettered private market they claim to admire?

They are content with being oh so polite and non-controversial, as long as they get to sit at the kiddy table. They would rather lose than rock the boat, or get called racists or meanies. Even when they have a majority, they act like the loyal opposition.

Best regards,
[email protected]

[ Someone once said (Ayn Rand?) that “conservatives” in America were in the awkward and impossible position of advocating, as traiditionalists, the Liberal Tradition under which America was founded (as the word originally meant), which is fundamentally against all things Traditional/Conservative, and which explains why they seem to have such a case of shit-for-brains all the damned time.—Editor ]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

The 2nd Amendment is inconvenient. It is based on the absolute right of the people to arm themselves and forcibly overthrow a tyrannical government. Given recent events this is not a comfortable point of discussion. However, that was the intent. Perhaps if our leaders would spend as much effort into trying to come up with a few just laws based on the Constitution instead of trying to pass as many tyrannical laws that at best avoid questions of Constitutionality we would have a better situation regarding the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the bill of rights.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Roman Pushkin


Hi, editor of The Libertarian Enterprise!

My name is Roman, I'm the author of free and open source ride sharing app called LibreTaxi. It's Uber-like, little bit rough edges, but it works. And me and some folks from all parts of the world are improving the software.

I am libertarian thinker, and would be happy to let you know more about the software. I've just registered non-profit 501k(c)(3) organization (and on the way to get my IRS determination letter).

This is the link if you are interested:

Currently we have 20000 registered users worldwide
1000+ rides a week
support for 20 languages

So it works, and can be used by libertarians around the world. It has free license (AGPL-v3), so anyone can add modifications, but the source code should remain free and available.

Roman Pushkin
[email protected]

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Letter from Ann Morgan

Dear Editor, I have what I think is a very good idea.

I think all new laws should have a “trigger clause”.

In case you don’t know what this is, some freedom-hating states have a “trigger clause” in their set of laws, such that if Roe vs Wade is ever repealed, abortion will instantly become illegal in that state.

I propose a different sort of “trigger clause”. Such that any laws restricting freedom or rights must have a “trigger clause” specifying that if any laws expanding on or further restricting the same freedom are proposed in the future, the “trigger clause” of the first law will be activated, and the mere legislative PROPOSAL of an expanded law will instantly nullify the first law, such that it may no longer be enforced for the time being, and will have to be re-included and re-passed with the second, expanded proposal.

Ann Morgan
[email protected]

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