Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 932, July 23, 2017

Perhaps it is time for each person to mind their
own business, make their own decisions and choices
about everything, and be responsible personally
for the consequences of those choices.

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Letters from A.X. Perez and MamaLiberty

Letter from A.X. Perez and MamaLiberty

Body Count

More people are likely to die this year of opioid drug overdose this year than by firearm. More people total will commit suicide than will die by firearm, and most firearms deaths (some 60%) will be suicides. Sorry, I did not look up the percent of suicides were by opioid or other depressant overdose. On the other hand. I also didn’t look up what percent of firearms suicides were the result of depression caused by the use/abuse of downers.

Total death by drug overdose (prescription, non prescription, legal, illegal, deliberate, or accidental) is about 55.000 per year. Interestingly enough, there are no recorded deaths by cannabis overdose, whether cannabis use contributed to depression leading to suicide or wreckless behavior leading to the actors death I cannot say. I do not use orioids or cannabis either recreationally or for medical purposes so I cannot comment on their charms.

There is no doubt that opioids have an important function as pain relief medicines, both physical and mental, and other vital therapeutic uses. However,perhaps they are being overprescribed. Perhaps it is time to admit marijuana and its derivatives ((hashish, cannabis oil, Marinol, this last one being a vailable by prescription, and others) have value for treating physical and psychological pain and illness.

Perhaps it’s time to stop pushing for gun control and start asking why the Federal government demonizes a less dangerous drug while for all practical purposes subsidizes opiates. And perhaps it’s time to bring AG Jeff Sessions up to speed on these statitics.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

To which MamaLiberty replied:

Perhaps it is time for each person to mind their own business, make their own decisions and choices about everything, and be responsible personally for the consequences of those choices.

Almost EVERYTHING in the world is “dangerous” to one extent or another, depending on how/when/why it is used. As true for aspirin as it is for guns, tire irons or deep water… There is no rational way for people to control any of this for OTHER people. And no moral reason to do so either.

The problem isn’t in the drugs, guns or deep water. The problem lies in the false belief that “other people,” especially the non-voluntary government, has some special/sacred “authority” to manage our lives and choices. Get rid of the bogus “authority,” get people to give up that state religion, and the problem becomes one of personal responsibility and integrity. The aggressors and fraudsters then will face the business end of the guns… at least for a little while.

[email protected]

To which A.X. Perez replied:

You guys get it! I get it! Now we need the busybodies controlling SWAT teams trying to make themselves rich and/or powerful by means of asset forfeiture, or rather the damnfools who trust these “persons” with power to get it.

As long as Jeff Sessions, the man whose pronouncements on asset forfeiture just lost his boss my support, is in power. as long as Schumer and Feinstein want to get laws through that will excuse their ordering the ATF and others to arrest or kill about half the US hold office, as long as a jerk like Greg Abbott and others in the Texas state Legislature are obsessed over which head people use based on a low, low probability criminal action are in power, we are going to have to raise hell to keep them out of our business.

And calling them on trying to criminalize gun ownership and using non science to keep up the current Federal ban on cannabis even though the first is a Constitutional right and there is growing evidence that cannabis is in fact a viable replacement for the much more dangerous and perfectly legal opium based drugs is part of this hell raising.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

To which MamaLiberty replied:

How did you plan to do that? Sternly worded letters/calls/emails? “Voting?” Those have not worked well for a very long time, if ever. And, that “constitution” has spawned this train wreck, giving the would-be masters the bogus authority they use to enslave us. It is certainly no guardian of our “rights.”

I’d love to hear some more effective ideas.

[email protected]

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