Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 933, July 30, 2017

Venezuela! Who would have thought socialism would fail?

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Letter from Kaptain Kanada (a.k.a. Manuel Miles)

Letters from A.X. Perez and J. Neil Schulman

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Kaptain Kanada (a.k.a. Manuel Miles)

Banned in Boston!

Dear Editor-In-Chief Ken,

I’ve been ingnominiously (I don’t know what that means but I always wanted to use it in a sentence) banned by the twit(s) who mismanage Twitter, which is actually a feather in my cap. The problem I have with old Jack & gang is this: I was given no reason for the banning nor any chance to say, “Sayonara” to my friends and “followers” there.

I suspect several of your readers and one or two of the regular columnists at TLE of posting there, so…

A simple request: if you or any of your Twitter using readers should be so inclined, please post that I’m now hanging out at and that I said, “Goodnight & Goodbye, Mrs Calabash, wherever you are!”

Here’s hoping that you and all and sundry at TLE are healthy and prosperous.

yours for Peace and Liberty,

Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

P.S. TwitterJack is a twit.

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Letters from A.X. Perez and J. Neil Schulman

Re: “The Attack on Memory” by J. Neil Schulman

My “where’d this come from” memory is much more pleasant than yours. I swear I’ve heard a recording of Willie Nelson singing “Let It Be” or watched it on television. I have not been able to find this anywhere. Maybe it’s just that his style is just right so that my auditory centers created the memory. I can hear his east Texas intonations (Where I’m at it’s almost all east Texas.) singing the Beatles classic.

To business. A greater problem than memories that seem to sift in from other universes (H. Beam Piper’s Paratime ideas might give us a better understanding, or rather the more rigorous math based quantum physics that they derive from/anticipated) is the attack on history. Thus in the rush to end the memories of the Confederacy and its cultural significance some wish to destroy monuments to Nathaniel Bedford Forrest as memorials to racism, even though his only act after being made Grand Wizard of the KKK was to dissolve it and his denunciation by at least one racist group for his support of Black rights.

Others wish to destroy the monument in New Orleans to Andrew Jackson because of his role in the persecution of the Native American people and his ownership of slaves. The minor detail that he he stopped New Orleans from being conquered by the British is something some of these ginks seem to not even know and think he is memorialized as a hero of the CSA.

As a final example let us consider the move to take down Sam Houston’s statue at UT Austin because he had owned slaves. His opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, his being deposed as govern of Texas for opposing Secession, and his freeing of his slaves while the Civil War was still raging don’t matter to them. All of these reflect one thing, a deliberate forgetting of history, a willful ignorance of the past.

Until one day we wake up and there is no past to learn from, the truth is what the bosses say, and Akhenaton’s images have all been defaced. Oops, wrong rewrite of history. Or maybe not. Maybe there are those who want their God-Kings back. Maybe there are others who want to be those God-Kings. Too bad they lack the self honesty to admit what they want to themselves.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

To which J. Neil Schulman replied:

The key part of the word “history” is “story.”

Physical artifacts ranging from architecture to statuary to monuments to glyphs to fossils to scrolls to modern recordings are all we have to study the actual past. The rest are the stories—and songs—we tell and teach.

If you think tearing down statues in this country is bad, consider that ISIS is destroying any physical artifacts that inconvenience them.

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Live From Kecksburg

UFOs? Nope

I’m spending the evening at Mrs G’s place in Kecksburg PA having a cookout as we celebrate the UFO Festival ongoing this weekend.

They were coming in from the west: four bright star like objects. We were beginning to wonder if maybe aliens were coming in to do a flyover of the event down in the little hamlet on the opposite side of the hill.

What flew over was a quartet of small airplanes which are a common cause of UFO sightings. Darn! Would have been really cool if they turned out to be the real McCoy. Even cooler if they would have decided to land at the festival and say “Hi”!

Then again maybe not. Considering the way the government behaved the night the object came down back in the 60s you can only imagine what they might do if aliens actually landed and revealed themselves to the common folk in some little out of the way hamlet in the hills of Western Pennsylvania and not the wretched hive of scum and villainy—aka the swamp desperately in need of draining.

Just imagine if you can.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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