Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 935, August 13, 2017

Our first project will be to open a casino.

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Letter from Bill Koehler

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Bill Koehler

To All Libertarians

Please join the Heckarwe a new native American tribe for those who self identify as native Americans.

Our first project will be to open a casino.

Bill Koehler
[email protected]
Albuquerque, NM

In the the future I will identify as Crazy Fox son of Crazy Horse.

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Stevens Point, Wisconsin hasn't seen temperatures of 90F or higher since August 2013! - Ice Age Now


I stumbled across this in a search prompted by reading an article on the role of solar minimums in prompting the collapse of the Roman Empire linked in the editors notes in TLE. That and a somewhat chilly night here that prompted me to close all my doors and windows this Sunday morning!

This could be a good theme for a future Norseman’s article when I get time to write it. After a manic spring that oscillated between unseasonably warm and chilly conditions and a wet summer punctuated by a few near dry spells there's no telling what comes next. No 90s in my local long range forecast and 80 degree days look remarkably scarce for the first half of the month. Then it is supposed to turn hot again going into September. That is a normal pattern for late summer. But the current chill is sort of a wake up call serving notice that the benign shirtsleeve conditions that are so easily taken for granted will not last forever.

Time to step up preparations for winter. Hopefully I will manage to avoid the crunch this time around.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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