Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 941, September 24, 2017

Let the record show that I did not consent to be governed

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from MamaLiberty

Letter from Thomas Knapp

Letter from Kristophr

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from MamaLiberty

Re: “Letter from A.X. Perez&dquo; (Over and over Again)

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

What about those of us who do NOT “consent?” We are “governed” regardless of our consent, and you know it. Additionally, there is simply not any intent, interest or even rational ability for any sort of non-voluntary government to “secure” our rights. It may happen accidentally, occasionally, but such is neither the purpose nor intent of any actual government on the planet.

This “constitution” has either been deliberately formed to facilitate the tyranny, or has been totally powerless to prevent it. Either way, it is not fit to exist. (Paraphrasing Spooner)

I will not knowingly initiate force. I am a self owner.

Let the record show that I did not consent to be governed. I did not consent to any constitution. I did not consent to any president. I did not consent to any law except mala en se. I did not consent to the police. Nor any tax. Nor any prohibition of anything. Nor any regulation or licensing of any kind.

[email protected]

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Letter from Thomas Knapp

Re: Publisher's Note by L. Neil Smith

L. Neil Smith favors a wall along the Mexican border in order to “protect our culture,” which he defines in terms of the Bill of Rights.

Perhaps he should read the last bit of the Bill of Rights, the 10th Amendment. Since the Constitution does not enumerate a federal power to regulate immigration (and in fact, in Article I, Section 9, forbids any such power), no such federal power exists.

Neil can have his wall or he can have the Bill of Rights. He can't have both.

Thomas Knapp
[email protected]

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Letter from Kristophr

Re: “Save Your Dixie Cups, Boys!” by L. Neil Smith

"… From the violence and stupidity of Anti-fa …"

For once in his life, Churchill was right. The next time the Fascist arise, they will call themselves Anti-Fascists.

Best regards,
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

The reptile show in Youngwood PA last week was the best ever. I finally found some live goods other than feeder bugs worth buying. A vender had Cumberland Sliders which I've been hoping to find locally for a long time since I purchased a couple at the show in Morgantown a few years ago.

Definitely a good show to come away from with some animals I've been seeking for a good while along with the usual food items and supplements plus new contacts and a little money to spare!

I also had an interesting conversation with a vendor regarding the possibility that the Bucket Heads in Harrisburg might be coming to their senses in regard to the captive breeding of native herptiles but I'll believe that one when I see it given their track record for screwing up the best of things.

Last week while looking into getting another batch of Yunnan Blue-tailed Newts from a breeder in eastern PA—which is now in the works—I learned that the ban on interstate transport of this order of amphibians has apparently expired—and my guess; the current administration might not be as enthusiastic as its predecessor in reinstating it.

Thank God for sunset provisions—or whatever oversights that governmental agencies are capable of.

Like guns—gotta get em while You can!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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