Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 944, October 15, 2017

Nobody wants a broken camel

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Letter from TJ Mason

Letter from MomaLiberty

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Bill St. Clair

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from TJ Mason

Re: “Another False Flag,” by L. Neil Smith


Not to dispute what you said, but I don’t think its that simple.

There is not one puppet master, there are several, in different countries/cultures. They don’t always play well together, and part of what we see are the portions of their conflicts that rise above the surface to affect us all.

(Spider Robinson has probably best reflected an appreciation of this in his fiction, in Mindkiller and the Very Bad novels for Baen.)

I couldn’t name all of the names, but Soros is probably the most putrescent face of these power players in the west. Putin, the Ayatollahs, some Sunni equivalent, and someone senior in China—not likely a public face of their government—play at that level. Kim is a potentially dangerous wannabe and likely puppet of the others.

There are probably others in the west, some of whom are opposed to Soros and might even be (relatively) classical liberal, but unfortunately there is no apparent Jefferson (or Gallatin) among their numbers.

I tend to believe that 9/11 was Bin Laden’s attempt to break into this group, and the Iraq War an attempt (unfortunately badly botched, in part apparently through the influence of Soros) to send a message to other wannabes. Agenda 21 is another attempted power play at this level.

But also, sometimes evil is just evil, though the obfuscation surrounding Las Vegas argues against that in this case.

Conveniently, today’s Bible verse on my phone app is

Ephesians 6:12 AMPC
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood contending only with physical opponents, but against the despotisms, against the powers, against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

Something to think about.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from MomaLiberty

Re: “Now is the Time to Do Nothing”, by A.X. Perez

> assault weapons

Why do so many people insist on using this bogus term? It only feeds the antis….

As for “doing nothing,” it depends on who's doing. The politicians should, of course, repeal all anti-gun “laws.” That would be a fine thing to do… As for the people of the gun… we need to DO far more to reach out to the fence sitters and potential allies.

Take someone to the range today, if at all possible. Let them use a good gun, and some of the ammo you've been hoarding. Loud noises creating lots of big smiles.

[email protected]

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Re: “Open Letter to Reason Magazine” by Sean Gangol

Dear Sean,

I want to thank you for your excellent letter to Reason. I could not have said it better—or more neatly—myself. And thank you, as well, for mentioning those twin four-flushers Cato and the LP, as well. Our movement would be better off without them all.

The major reason (if you'll excuse the term) for the conditions you write about is that has become fashionable for outfits and individuals like those to dump the principle of non-aggression, and simply steer by the seat of their philosophical pants. Too bad their posteriors are naked. Ayn Rand would have a good laugh.

Thanks again,

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Mel Brooks

Can’t believe that old guy is still around!

: Political Correctness is Stupid and Killing Comedy (Intellectual Takeout)

The best way to combat bigotry like everything else was to lampoon it. Eddie Murphy who was in Blazing Saddles was even funnier on his own—if you’ve ever seen some of his night club fare like “Delerious” which is a total gut busting hoot! And there was “Archie Bunker” in All in the Family who was the quintessential white bigot—but the show also did a good job of lampooning the hippie idealism of his son-in law Mike Stivic—aka “Meathead”. The best episode was the one where the Bunkers had to spent time with two black guys who were using their house to wait out the cops after a robbery. It did make a bit of a leftish statement that gun ownership is futile on grounds that the “bad guys will end up taking it from you” which they did from Archie because he left it in a drawer and they found it before the family got home. Yet there was a really good scene in which “Meathead” tries to express his understanding in regard to the problems of black people and the guy who was the more the lead character of the two men says “Oh really”! And goes on to lambaste both Bunker and his son-in law “What do we have here!? …. a bonafide Big-got! and a genuine Li-Ber-Ral!”

And there were others like when Archie got the blood transfusion from a black man or the time Sammy Davis Junior made an appearance on the show. It was a civics teacher in junior high who introduced me to the word Satire as the definition of what Archie Bunker and other prime time sit com characters in those days were all about; with the explanation that it was immune to the standards of libel and political correctness—a custom likely going back to days of old to the immunity afforded court jesters to make fun of the king. That standard may not apply anymore because the Left likes to use racial sensitivity as a shield against criticism.

Maybe comedians need to go for the jugular on that one. Maybe Mel Brooks could make one last movie and save both the art of Comedy and Free Speech in the bargain!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Bill St. Clair

Re: “The Buzzards Drool Again”, by L. Neil Smith

Following Neil”s recommendation, in “The Buzzards Drool Again”, I sent a Tweet to President Trump:

“I did nothing wrong last Sunday. I will NOT be penalized for it. Not by one single regulation. Not by one thin dime.”—Bill St. Clair

Bill St. Clair
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


A couple of items of interest:

A reminder regarding the Luke Short - Jim Courtwright gunfight. For those unfamiliar with this bit of American History, Short was a gunfighter and entrepreneur who refused to pay both sides of the law man Courtwright protection money. Courtwright lost the resolving gunfight.

Also a reminder of the Battle of Athens, also known as The McMinn County War is in order. This was a case where the people had to rise up in arms against crooked politicians in the city of Athens, Tennessee.

As the gun control debate reignites there are those who will express scorn at the idea that Americans need weapons to defend their rights against tyrannical government officials or could do so effectively. These events disprove those theses.

It is worth it to look up both events, they are good stories, worth remembering even if they had no morals.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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