Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 949, November 19, 2017

To whom do I report that my Second Amendment rights
are being obscenely groped and assaulted by the
phonies and four-flushers of the Republican Senate?
—L. Neii Smith

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Letter from Mike Blessing

Letter from Alex Grant

Letter from Vin Suprynowicz

Letter from Mike Blessing

Is there a FPUSA?

To Whom It May Concern:

Does FPI[1] have currently any affiliate(s) in the United States?

Mike Blessing
[email protected]

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.


  1. Freedom Party International


  1. Blind-copied to the LPNM Popcorn Caucus

Copyright © 2017 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.

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Letter from Alex Grant

VPN for Beginners—A Guide from Alex Grant

Light Read—What You Should Know About VPNs

Good Read—VPN for Beginners by Alex Grant

The market for online privacy is growing at an unprecedented pace. Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks revelations had the effect of a rolling snowball that first made denizens of the Internet question the practices of tech and telecoms giants and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and then gave a fruitful ground for growth for tech companies offering privacy-protecting products.

Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, make by far one of the largest niches on the market of online privacy. The niche is over-saturated by now due to an increased demand for VPNs among businesses and individuals looking to regain their privacy.

VPNs are also so massively popular due to their efficiency. A VPN alone can hide your online activities from snooping ISPs and opportunist hackers alike. The high demand has given rise to a whole industry—VPN providers, VPN resellers, VPN review outlets, and whatnot.

The side effect of the VPN industry growth is the information noise that obscures critical details from consumers. These critical details, when revealed, help you tell a decent provider from an opportunist scammer monetizing on your private data by reselling it to whoever is buying.

A VPN guru Alex Grant wrote VPN for Beginners to help novice users navigate VPN offers and reviews, scrutinizing what matters the most in a VPN.

Alex Grant
[email protected]

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Letter from Vin Suprynowicz

70 to 90 Percent

Hey, I LIKE this new standard. HOW much money can I get paid for writing stuff that I'm “pretty sure is 70 to 90 percent accurate”? Do I have to specify WHICH 10 to 30 percent is “crap I just made up”? I mean, when the Weekly World News reports “Elvis Visits His New Grandson,” and it turns out there IS a grandson, and SOMEONE visited the kid, and they got the kid's name and DOB right, what percentage of that story is “accurate”?

Book: Christopher Steele Believes His Trump Dossier Is 70 To 90 Percent Accurate by Chuck Ross

Vin Suprynowicz
[email protected]

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