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Number 1,001, December 30, 2018


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Bad Week in Dayton
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

"I started caddying when I was nine years old at a very exclusive country club in Dayton, Ohio.  And I saw how the other half lived, if you will."
— Martin Sheen

Special to the Libertarian Enterprise

This past Sunday my sister was beaten in her home in front of her children by her violent ex-husband.  It is not the first time he's hit her repeatedly.  In 2014 he broke one of her teeth, injured her so badly that she was hospitalised, and all while she was 8 months pregnant.  He's insane.

His name is Warren Rajkovich.  On information and belief, he's dealt drugs, taken meth, and may have been a confidential informant in the drug war.  He is violent and abusive, and believes that he owns my sister although they have been divorced since July 2017.  He is manipulative and self-centred, good for nothing. 

The violence on Sunday was long and loud.  My sister's children were screaming.  My sister was screaming.  Eventually the neighbours called the police.  Warren lied about starting the violence.  Warren lied about being a deadbeat who owes $12,000 in back child support.  I live about half a mile away and did not hear about these events until later.

The police asserted that both adults were charged with domestic violence.  Neither was taken into custody.  The prosecutor's office met Warren on the immediate next Tuesday and got his home address.  They did not charge him.

That same day a lawyer that I had identified went and told the prosector's office that my sister is represented by counsel, and that he could not meet with them at their chosen time.  They reset the meeting until Thursday.  Then they indicated that they were not going to charge my sister in the matter, either.

My sister indicated her past history with Warren and his violence, his abandonment as per the divorce decree of both wife and children, and his deadbeat status.  The city of Dayton prosecutor's office refused to do anything about these matters.  My sister indicated her interest in filing for an order of protection against him, for which purpose she needs his home address.  The city of Dayton prosecutor's office refused to provide this information.  In so doing they took Warren's side, took the side of violence against women, and made it clear that they will not be willing to ever lift a finger against any violent ex-husband who assaults or even kills his ex-wife. 

Prove me wrong, city of Dayton prosecutor's office.

I have no doubt that I am correct, not only about city of Dayton's desire to see women harmed.  After all, there is a Catholic majority here in Dayton, I'm sure the police and prosecutors office are well aware of the child molestations by priests in this diocese going back generations, and are unwilling to do anything, ever, at all.  I also have no doubt that the city of Dayton will determine to seek me out and punish me for having said these things, because the criminal gang that purports to be "government' in this city is corrupt, evil, and psychotic. 

This week my sister and I talked and she will not be returning to the house she has been renting with her children.  Since Warren knows about that place, it would be a source of further danger to her and trauma to the children.  She'll have moving expenses and she and I will be sorting out how to get her out of there.  From time to time I may update people on this matter.

My thanks to all the people of Caledonia and of Twitter who helped out in this emergency.  We were able to get a lawyer to make sure my sister was represented in case of criminal charges.  Ounces of prevention, I think.  Also big thanks to Ben Stone of for his help in gathering funds for this matter and forwarding to the lawyer and to Melissa. 


Jim is an author and frequent contributor in these pages.  He's working on some ventures.  He'll be watching for the police in Dayton who will no doubt make things less pleasant as often as possible. 

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