Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 957, January 21, 2018

If a politician won’t
trust you, why should you trust him?

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Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Letter from Warren Tilson

Another Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Yet Another Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Arrested Within an Hour of Announcing Candidacy for President

Finally Free America Logo

Friend —

Adam Kokesh Announces Candidacy for President and is Immediately Arrested.

We did know this would happen. GET ADAM OUT OF JAIL HERE!

Longtime activist and former Marine, Adam Kokesh, made a celebratory announcement today that he has officially filed all paperwork necessary to run as a candidate for the office of United States President in 2020.

That announcement took place around 12:30pm EST. At 12:40pm EST he was pulled over by Texas State Troopers for swerving and having suspicious tags on No Force One, his tour bus. A brief encounter took place before the tour bus’ ownership was established (Adam has a lease-to-own agreement with the bus’ owner) and Adam was allowed to go free.

Approximately 40 minutes later Adam was pulled over once again, this time for driving speeding along the Texas highway. This encounter was far more aggressive. State Troopers continually escalated the situation until bringing in a K-9 unit which “alerted,” near a storage compartment on the RV. Adam’s dog, Baloo, was also inside the RV.

At that point the State Troopers commanded Adam to turn off his camera and they proceeded to search and seize. He was then arrested and is being held with no charges currently.

We have to fight this injustice. Can you contribute now, to keep this fight alive?

Adam just finished a 4-month long tour across the country in November where he was not pulled over once. Are we to believe that this is just coincidence that he is pulled over twice within the hour after announcing his candidacy?

Along that tour we talked many times about how, “It would get ugly.” Well, here it is, folks.

Libertas Perfundet Omnia Luce,
Ben Farmer
[email protected]

Chief Strategist

Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project • United States

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Letter from Warren Tilson

The Wall

Re: “All About The Wall”, by L. Neil Smith

While Neil lays out a good plan, it's the sort of thing that would take years to build.

We need a barrier now.

What I propose is using HESCO barriers (see stacked 30 feet high and 30 feet wide with the dirt and rocks used to fill them dug from in front of the wall creating a deep moat and making the barrier effectively at least 60 feet high. Maybe more depending on how wide the moat is.

And it can be built cheaply and be done in a year.

The DACA kids don't want to go to whatever privy vault they were sent from and neither do the El Salvadoreans so I propose that we get them to build the wall and in exchange they can earn residence or even naturalization depending on how fast they build the barrier. Any other legal or legal-ish residents who might be nervous about their residency status can also volunteer. But not those who are definitely illegal,

The whole length of the border would be divided into sections and our volunteers would be assigned, in groups, to one section or another. The top X groups who build their sections the fastest get to be sworn in as citizens right then. The next X groups get to jump to the head of the line, the next X number of groups get their paperwork expedited and s forth. With the groups bringing up the rear are still in the same place they are today only there's a lot less of them.

Of course they would be provided with food, shelter, medical care and training in how to make the barrier.

Once the barrier is in place then the more permanent structure can be started.

Warren Tilson
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Day 2 of Adam Locked Up

Finally Free America Logo

Friend —

Today Adam was supposed to be arraigned. Instead he stood before a Justice of the Peace and was denied access to any paperwork regarding his charges. They have yet to provide anything in writing. Adam is being held in a government institution after being detained unlawfully with no idea what is happening next.

We have the internet, so we can see what they have charged him with as a result of this traffic stop. What a luxury it is to have information available.

Here is what Adam said after he saw the Justice of the Peace:

What has occurred to me in the last 24 hours was a gross miscarriage of justice.

I have not been presented with any paperwork regarding my arrest. The court formally denied my request to be provided with any filings in it’s possession.

The criminal officers who are guilty of an unlawful arrest will be held accountable.

It is a sign of strength of the freedom movement that the government is resorting to such drastic tactics to keep Libertarians out of the debate.

Thank you everyone who offered or pledged support.

Thank you for all the calls and the prayers and the love you send.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of you who fight the tyranny of government!

WE MUST FIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY. That is why he is running for President.

We know that this is not the last time Adam will be harassed. In fact, it is likely that the team will begin to see a higher presence of government interference as well. We are ready.

Visit to view more about the campaign.
Join the team!
Or contribute what you can today!

Keep fighting!

Angela Fisher
[email protected]

Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project • United States

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Trump believes politics is stupid—and it shows

I wish I could post a comment to this one because it really deserves a few good ones. First of all the idea that politics is stupid is a no brainer. Secondly the author raises the issue that issues like health care are complex—which begs the question—who is responsible for making the system so complex to begin with? And why was it necessary to write a thousand page bill that had to be passed in order to see what was in it?

Considering it was the insider politicians who have been making a train wreck out of everything they’ve touched for a long as anyone can remember—why is it that they are the only ones who can fix the system they created but even they themselves cannot understand? And how can any self respecting human being with an IQ above 80 put anymore faith and trust in any of them?

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Honduras far colder than normal—Ice Age Now

Might be hard on the tropical flora and fauna if it gets a little more colder, lasts long and starts recurring with greater frequency.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Mars Pirate Rsadio Podcast with J, Neil Schulman Part 2—Heinlein Interview

Mars Pirate radio cxxxviii

Posted in Uncategorized by dougturnbull on January 20th, 2018

Tonight a special edition of Mars Pirate Radio will feature the second part of our interview with SF author, screenwriter, and film producer, J. Neil Schulman. In 1973, as a 20 year old reporter for the New York Daily News, he interviewed famed science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein (Stranger in a Strange Land and many other works). We discuss that interview, with excerpts, in a wide ranging conversation about the many topics brought up during that exchange. Below are links to the original interview as well as to my book page. Note: Due to a poor phone connection, some of the audio is less than perfect, so please bear with us on that.

Music was composed by Bernard Herrmann for Fahrenheit 451, Copyright 1966 by Universal Pictures.

Link to 1973 Heinlein interview:

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Yet Another Letter from Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Still in jail.…


If there is no victim, there is no crime; for possession itself is never a crime. If you falsely arrest someone who has committed no crime, then YOU are the criminal. In the drug war, those who have chosen the side of Darwin instead of the side of the people, are the criminal aggressors standing on the wrong side of history, and they will be judged for the evil they have wrought upon this earth.

The War On Drugs Is a War On Us.

Today is Thursday January 18th, 2018 and you are listening to ADAM VS THE MAN coming to you live from cell D-27 at the Wise County Jail in Decatur, Texas behind drug war enemy lines. For 3 days I have been denied my basic human rights as a prisoner of the United States and international law. I have not been provided any paperwork about my case or my charges despite repeated requests; and I have not been allowed to meet with my attorney. My bail has been set at $80,000 which is to say that an innocent man has been kidnapped by the government and is being held for ransom.

The Wise County bond system is a shakedown racket that needs to go. They say that I can be released if I pay $6,000 of which I would never see again. They’re doing this and harassing innocent Americans every day and the war on drug users because they want us to be afraid. Well, in the Marines, they forgot to teach us to be afraid. They taught us not to negotiate with terrorists, and certainly not acquiesce to their demands without a fight.

Well today I would rather fight than buy my freedom. Thanks to our supporters on Steemit, we have raised more than enough money to pay off the terrorists, but I have instructed my staff to donate that money to the libertarian party instead. If you’re not already, please become a member of the LP by going to

I’m also excited to announce two nominations for the party, but first, the reasons. I am running for the libertarian party nomination of president in 2020 in order to dissolve the entire federal government in a peaceful and orderly manner. My opposition is the pro-pedophile Bill weld, who is launching his campaign unofficially this weekend with a documentary produced by a convicted pedophile. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Bill weld is also a Hillary Clinton supporter. You would think that being a big government Massachusetts Republican would disqualify him from representing Libertarians.

Which brings us to our next two pedophilia protectors in the party, chair Nick Sarwark, and Vice Chair Arvin Vohra. Sarwark has already dissented Cara Schultz who was hired recently as a candidate recruiter recently despite the fact that she has publicly famed LP candidates including myself without apology or retraction. In 2018, it’s time to clear house at the top of the LP. If we are to be the party of principle, we must rid ourselves of liars like Cara Schultz. We must universally condemn and reject candidates like pro pedophile Bill weld. We must make it clear that someone like Vice Chair Arvin Vohra does not represent us when he publicly supports pedophilia. We must not let a pedophile sympathizer, protector of liars, or even someone who is not willing to stand up to the establishment like Nick Sarwark lead our party to ruin. We must not allow ourselves to be vulnerable to infiltration from political enemies or COINTEL PRO type government agents.

So I am happy today to announce my nomination of two of my longtime friends, as well as longtime friends of the party and freedom itself, Erin Adams of Oklahoma for LNC chair, and Carla Howell of Massachusetts for Vice Chair. I hope they will join me in ensuring that the LP can be all that it can be. We must hang together or surely, we will all hang separately. They have suggested me to this recent and Justice because they want us to be afraid, to cower, and to feel small and weak. However, the “Freedom!” movement gets bigger and stronger every single day; despite the fact that I was set up for false arrest on the day that I announce my candidacy. There has been a shameful mainstream media blackout at this incident, but I am sure they will be happy to cover pro-pedophile Bill Weld and his pedophile coming out documentary, because they want Americans to think that’s what represents libertarians.

We will still have to work extra hard to get our message out and demand that the mainstream media portray us fairly with equal time just like the old parties, and interpreter as honestly as champions of a message of universal human rights, ethics, peace, and love. Maybe they never will because they know that if the American people knew they had a choice that they could vote for freedom, that if they finally had a choice to vote for no one to be president and finally free America, they will.

Time is up. The game is almost over. The libertarian party far better represents the American people better than the Democrats or Republicans. There are more Americans who believe in Freedom from the drug war. There are more Americans that believe in freedom from the terror war. There are more Americans that believe in freedom from the government.

And that is why an American Freedom will win!

To help, click here.

Angela Fisher
[email protected]

Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project • United States

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