Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 963, March 4, 2018

Military weapons in civilian hands are for
preserving civil rights and civilian lives.
They are, indeed “weapons of war”: humanity’s
10,000-year-old continuing war against tyranny.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from Skip

Letter from Joseph Reichert

Letter from Sean Gabb

Request for a Favour

Dear All,

I have revised and reformatted my book Literary Essays. You can see its cover at the foot of this posting, together with a link to its Amazon listing.

I'm offering this book absolutely free and without obligation. Well, there is one obligation—a vague promise of an honest review on Amazon. Whether your review is good or bad I leave to you. But I do most earnestly beg for a review of some kind.

If you want to take me up on this offer, send me an e-mail, and I will respond with a pdf of the formatted hard copy book.

Best regards,
[email protected]

book cover
Sean Gabb, Literary Essays

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Letter from A.X. Perez

He Geeked! And other observations

President Trump has come out in favor of some anti-gun ideas, specifically raising the age to buy some if not all long guns and grab the guns before the hearing protective orders. He has also asked his Justice Department to draft a bump stock ban for him to sign as an executive order.

Whether this reflects a willingness to “put it all on the table” before negotiations, a belief that compromise is possible on gun rights, or acting on a long term scheme to backstab “gunnies” I can not say. I can say, “He geeked!!”

My local Congressman (Beto O’Rourke) is a good kid for a liberal Democrat. He’s even mounting a run for the Senate against Ted Cruz. However, he does support the Democrat stand on concealed carry reciprocity. Basically, he agrees it is not appropriate that people in states with higher standards for gun carry licenses. The big problem is that he represents Texans, and if anybody has looser requirements for a carry license, other than the states with Constitutional carry, it’s news to me.

In case you doubt there is a slippery slope re: gun control. In 1934 the NFA was passed, requiring that people wishing to buy machine guns had to pay a $200.00 tax, register their weapons, and submit to a thorough FBI check. In 1968 it became illegal to import machine guns for civilian sales. I think there may have been a total of one murder committed with a legally owned full automatic weapon since 1934 until May of 1986. In that year the registry was closed by the Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act. You can not buy a machine gun not registered by the date this law kicked in.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Sean Gabb

In Praise of John Stuart Mill

Some while ago, I went up to London for a joint LA event, where I spoke “In Praise of John Stuart Mill.” I provide a link to the video record at the foot of this brief introduction.

Gabb lecture on J.S.Mill
Lecture on John Stuart Mill, Sean Gabb, (2016)

On the 17th May 2016, Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance, gave a lecture in London on John Stuart Mill. Topics covered: defence of freedom of speech; dangers of government intervention in society; no “tyranny of the majority;” problems with “harm principle;” in praise of aristocratic government.

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

NMGOA dues?

Dear Neil,

Please let me know what the dues might be for the National Machine Gun Owners of America and to where I should send the cheque. Annual, five-year, or lifetime memberships might be $65, $175, and $500 to start? You decide.

But I think this idea is awesome and would love to participate.


[email protected]

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Letter from Skip

NMGOA dues?

Brilliant! Abolish the NFA/GCA and let’s go on the offensive!

[email protected]

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Letter from Joseph Reichert

Death of Victor W. Milan, 02/13/18

Our friend, Victor W. Milan, died on the afternoon of February 13, 2018, at the Westside Lovelace Medical center, in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. He had been hospitalized since the first week of December, 2017, when a slowly developing myeloma (bone cancer) suddenly manifested itself, leaving him almost completely disabled.

He was a good man, a good friend, and a good writer. At the time of his death, he had just begun to enjoy great financial rewards from his literary productions, principally due to the proceeds from his Dinosaur Lords trilogy, and from his Wild Cards stories.

Joseph Reichert
[email protected]

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