Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 976, June 3, 2018

“I think the norms have really
changed in terms of, what you can do
to somebody against their will….”
—Bill Clinton
Interview on PBS NewsHour

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Et in Arcadia ego
Et in Arcadia ego (a.k.a.Les Bergers d'Arcadie)
Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)

I’m astounded to find The Government of California™ has apparently done something un-bad:

California Senate Passes Revolutionary Bill to Bypass Federal Reserve, Create Cannabis Banking Industry
The California Senate just passed a revolutionary bill that will nullify the control the Federal Reserve has over the cannabis industry by creating a separate banking industry—solely for cannabis.
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I have often wondered why people don’t form State-Charted banks to bypass Centeralized Control™ by the Feds™ banking system, but maybe the Feds™ “Regulate” State-Chartered banks as well? I donno. “There”s always something!”

Kinda like Jury Nullification™ isn’t it? State-Government Nullification™! Of course, the Feds™ think their winning the War of Succession™ a while back settled the matter. Hopefully not!


And, finally! Just finally!:

America’s Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited
Column by Lawrence M. Ludlow
In this wonderfully succinct book, America’s Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited (Griffin & Lash, 2016), Sheldon Richman does a great service that clears the air swirling around the concept of limited government and freedom.
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Now, you and I know that the constitution was written by a group of oligarchs and wanna-be-aristocrats to give themselves power and wealth at the expense of We The People. Those silly people who go around saying "America is a Republic not a Democracy" never realize that America is actually an oligarchy and not the Representative Democracy it just pretends to be. And their entire statement just shows they are concentrating on something that simply does not matter under the actual conditions currently prevailing. The Government of the United States of America is not run for your or my benefit, or for the benefit of The People. It is run for the benefit of the Ruling Class—which ain't We The People. So that "democracy/republic" thing is a pointless distraction from the reality. Sheesh. (It is actually a form of “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”) Once you get people distracted by that, they forget to pay attention to what is actually going on, while thinking they are being virtuous!

Here, go read this book:

The Anti-Federlist Papers
Free download: ePub format ebook standard,
or mobi format for your Kindle

And then ask yourself why you never heard of them in “school”?

For example:

When the courts will have a precedent before them of a court which extended its jurisdiction in opposition to an act of the legislature, is it not to be expected that they will extend theirs, especially when there is nothing in the constitution expressly against it? And they are authorised to construe its meaning, and are not under any control.

This power in the judicial, will enable them to mould the government, into any shape they please.

Sound familiar?

And remember like the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers were published in newspapers to be read by “the common people”… how many people can even understand them these days? Huummmm…?

Which reminds me, The Library of America has an excellent edition of just about all of the stuff:

The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Anti-Federalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle over Ratification 1787-1788: A Library of America Boxed Set, 2,389 pages in two volumes. I’ve got mine!


And now for something Completely Different™, not to mention depressing:

Young people really ARE getting more stupid: IQs have started to fall by seven points per generation in 'pretty worrying' trend, scientists discover
• IQs had risen every decade since World War II but have now begun to fall again
• Scientists say the trend, started by those born after 1975, is 'pretty worrying'
• Study comes after earlier research showed eating fish increases IQ levels
PUBLISHED: 19:10 EDT, 11 June 2018 | UPDATED: 02:59 EDT, 12 June 2018

Young people's IQ scores have started to deteriorate after climbing steadily since Wold War Two, a new study has found.

The fall, which equates to about seven points per generation, is believed to have begun with those born in 1975, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.
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Okay, so we (that is the Human Race™) are doomed? Again? Ah well, just One Damned Thing After Another™.

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