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Number 985, August 12, 2018

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The Set-Up: No outcome can ever be allowed to produce the headline “Trump Triumphs!”
by Vin Suprynowicz
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

At, The Associated Press advises us at noontime (EDST) today, Aug. 7, that an “Ohio Race Pits Trump Coalition Against Democrats’ Resistance / Trump shadow looms over contests in Ohio and Kansas as five states hold elections.”

Note that when the media’s Number One Enemy, Donald J. Trump, takes an interest in a down-ticket race, the press can never tell us Trump’s “enthusiastic spirit,” this compelling orator’s “near-magical ability to turn out crowds and connect with voters”—even in a hall where he reported it “felt like 110 degrees,” this weekend—does anything like “enliven” the race. No, no, the ever-objective Associated Press feels obliged to report that—like Count Dracula creeping bat-like down the side of the house to sneak in Mina Harker’s window—The Evil Trump’s ominous “shadow looms.”

Furthermore, The AP describes a Monday event at Democrat Danny O’Connor’s Ohio headquarters as “lively,” while on the Republican side “There was little evidence of enthusiasm on the eve of the election as (Republican Troy) Balderson tried to connect with voters over the phone during a brief stop at a campaign phone bank. He appeared equally uncomfortable answering questions from reporters about whether Trump’s appearance might blunt the impact of the recent endorsement from a prominent Trump adversary, Republican Gov. John Kasich.”

Yeah. Getting endorsed by BOTH wings of the Republican Party, Bad. They “blunt” each other, see. Can you imagine an AP reporter ever asking a Democrat candidate whether he was worried that endorsements by both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders might “blunt each other”? Do you suppose such a Democrat candidate might be “confused” by such a question, which the reporter could then interpret as the candidate being “uncomfortable”?

Also note that because Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (challenging incumbent Gov. Jeff Colyer) is a strong Trump supporter, The Associated Press describes him as “polarizing. ” Whereas Republicans who OPPOSE THEIR OWN SITTING PRESIDENT, a president who is working to enact an enormously popular conservative pro-America agenda and supervising the GREATEST ECONOMIC BOOM IN DECADES (Republicans like loser John Kasich in Ohio, “a leading voice in the GOP’s shrinking anti-Trump wing,”) are never described by The AP as “polarizing.”

But in the nut paragraph here, the AP advises us, as of noon Tuesday, Aug. 7, “The results will help determine the political landscape—and Trump’s standing within his own party—just three months before the GOP defends its House and Senate majorities across the nation.”

Really? An incumbent President’s “standing in his own party” is in jeopardy any time some local Republican office-seeker does anything but win in a 60-40 landslide, in an off-year primary or special election on a hot August day when polling places are traditionally lucky to see a 30 percent voter turnout?

Oh yes. There can be no such thing as a “Trump victory,” you see. How did CNN headline Trump’s Ohio rally this past weekend (a sweating crowd of 3,000 packing the main event space at Olentangy Orange High School in Lewis Center, with more in an overflow room, on a day when they surely would rather have been at the pool)? “Trump makes last-minute pitch to prevent defeat in crucial Ohio,” of course. (Trump can only “avoid defeat,” you see. ) “At Ohio rally, Trump seeks to head off blue wave,” reported Politico. Not to launch or accelerate a Red Wave. No, no. He can only “hope to head off a blue wave.”

The AP also can’t resist pointing out the suburban Ohio district in question “features a far more affluent and educated voter base than the typical Trump stronghold.” Meaning that, as we surely all know, only knuckle-dragging, gap-toothed retards who couldn’t get through the Sixth Grade, and who presumably make their living picking up aluminum cans along the side of the road (when they’re not dismembering tourists with chainsaws) actually vote for Trump.

(“Politico” reporter says Trump supporters literally have no teeth: .)

Yes, true enough, political power is gained or lost incrementally, as a president demonstrates whether he can reward his supporters or punish those who insult or betray him. For example, the Trump team was pretty upset when Sparkle-Socks Trudeau waited till after the Donald departed the June G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec (headed to meet Kim Jong-un in Singapore) to criticize Trump’s trade negotiating style. Team Trump may also have not appreciated the Canadians’ juvenile stunt as they stole a page from the Chinese playbook and threatened tariffs on agricultural commodities specifically targeting American farmers whose congressmen could then he counted on to run whining to the White House. Cute!

How’s that all working out for you, Justin? How rosy does Canada’s economic future look, now that you and Ms. Freeland have rejected the chance Mr. Trump offered you to re-negotiate the NAFTA “back door” though which you’ve been trans-shipping tariff-free Chinese and European aluminum and steel and autos?

Heard you’re having a little problem with the Saudis, too. (See: .) Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Donald Trump would NEVER be masterful enough to encourage a member of his new Mideast coalition to hit you on your blind side, like that. I mean, it’s not like this guy wrote a whole chapter about “Revenge” in one of his books, or anything.

But meantime, Trump doesn’t get any credit for taking the risk, leaving the air-conditioned comfort of the Oval Office or Mar-A-Lago, trundling out across the countryside to put his political capital on the line to try and strengthen his own party at the grass roots?

Who do the Democrats have who’s exerting this kind of energy for the troops in the field—and who can attract this kind of crowd? Dianne Feinstein with her Commie Chinese staff? ( ) Chuck Schumer? Nancy Pelosi? Two years ago, Miss Hillary had trouble drawing 200 teen-age girls to a college gym.

But not to worry. The Democrats have David Hogg (see: … ), Rosie O’Donnell, Adam Schiff ( ) and “the new face of the party,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

Anyway, an object lesson may now present itself, in the celebrated “objectivity” of The Associated Press and the rest of our Yellowstream Media:

Should ANY ONE of the candidates supported by President Trump lose today, The AP has clearly set us up for a Wednesday morning headline declaring that “Trump fails! Clearly The End Is Near for Trump and His Carnival of Clowns!”

On the other hand, should two-term state Sen. Troy Balderson win in Ohio, will it be “Trump Triumphs! Red Tsunami Gaining Strength!”?

Of course not. Instead, watch for: “Ho-hum: As Predicted, Even With Trump’s Endorsement and Personal Help, Well-Funded Republican Barely Hangs On in an Ohio District Which Has Been Republican for Decades, and Which Trump won By 11 points in 2016. Unimpressive Showing Means Trump’s Political Future Is On Shaky Ground”

Even though—thanks to the usual Hollywood and bi-coastal donors—the Democrat’s campaign spent $2.25 million on advertising … to Republican Balderson’s $507,000.

Reprinted from the Vin Suprynowicz blog


Vin Suprynowicz


Deep in the Nevada desert, in a hidden mansion full of old books and vintage clothes, guarded by five anthropomorphic cats and a family of Attack Roadrunners, Vin Suprynowicz went cold turkey from a 40-year newspaper career. They said he’d never write anything over a thousand words, again. But with the help and encouragement of the Brunette and a few close friends, he came back….
Read more about him.

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