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Number 987, August 26, 2018

I need a weapon of war to discuss matters
with people who feel I only need the right
to vote if I vote their way.

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton with comment from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Defense Distributed

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton with comment from L. Neil Smith

More PETA Sillyness

PETA sillyness

It just gets whackier by the day. I guess it’s going to be open season on Red Lobster like they once did with Burger King and KFC!

What else can I say—other than maybe rephrase the question in last week’s Nihon Ishigame article about animals that eat other animals- there are plenty of other sea creatures out there like octopuses and sea otters and seals that love to feast on crabs! And why should those self righteous cold hearted limousine liberals begrudge anyone a delicious crab dinner?

I have a mind to get myself one tomorrow afternoon.

I’d give anything for soft shell crabs like I had as a kid from a really great seafood place near Colonial Beach on the lower Potomac. About the most mouthwatering of childhood memories!

PETA Puts Up Billboard Telling Marylanders to Stop Eating Crabs
by Lauretta Brown
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) put up a billboard in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor featuring a picture of a blue crab with the message “I’m ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan.”

“Just like humans, crabs feel pain and fear, have unique personalities, and value their own lives,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman commented. “PETA’s billboard aims to give Charm City residents some food for thought about sparing sensitive marine animals the agony of being boiled alive or crushed to death in fishing nets simply by going vegan.”

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

to which L. Neil Smith replied:

PETA is tolerated (and probably funded) by those who think they own us in order to make truly insane ideas, like minimum wage, open borders, and socialist medicine seem normal and acceptable by comparison.

And you may quote me.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Defense Distributed

Urgent Legal Update: Defense Distributed vs US State Dept.

In July, you may have heard that Defense Distributed won a settlement from the US Dept of State to publish gun blueprints online. We in fact received a license from the federal government to publish our software, and we consider it a landmark victory for the 1st and 2nd Amendments, hard won after many years in federal court.

I had hoped to spend at least a day in celebration. We were prepared to show you a number of incredible things as a result of this victory. But on the day we began publishing files at, we faced a tidal wave of lawsuits from Blue State Democrat attorneys general. We are being sued by 21* states across four venues in this country.

I'm reaching out to you as my longest and truest supporters. The Defense Distributed Wiki Weapon members have always answered my call. Would you please watch the below video, hear the message, and share with your friends and family?

Thank you.

Join This Fight

Our "Defense Contributed" campaign video at

Defense Distributed
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Bullshit Question 2

“Why do you need a weapon of war like the AR-15/M4?”

In words by Marisa Tomei that I've quoted before “That's a bullshit question.” The reason is a bullshit question is that what it really means is “Why should you have permission to own a weapon of war blah, blah.” Implicit in this question is the response by the questioner being “Not good enough. give it up (be legally barred from owning it.).”

Once you've conceded that you need someone's permission to own guns you will soon discover that you have conceded that you need their permission to do anything, with the default answer being, “That's not a good enough reason.”

Nowadays most people asking this (these ) questions expect the State to be their agent of whom we ask permission. When you must ask the State's permission to exercise fundamental rights with the default answer being no you live in a tyranny.

Most people consider voting a fundamental right of adult citizens. Recently, some pundits have begun to suggest that many people are too ignorant to vote an should be stripped of the franchise. Generally they are Democrats who are bent out of shape that Trump won the election but others have proposed this in general. The point is that only people who vote the way these self appointed experts want them to vote should have the right to vote. Sounds like tyranny to me.

So in answer to a bullshit question, I need a weapon of war to discuss matters with people who feel I only need the right to vote if I vote their way.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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