Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 987, August 26, 2018

I need a weapon of war to discuss matters
with people who feel I only need the right
to vote if I vote their way.

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The Path to Slavery
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

“What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalising and concentrating all cares and powers into one body, no matter whether of the autocrats of Russia or France, or the aristocrats of a Venetian Senate.”
— Thomas Jefferson, on a plan for education

Back in 1762, an especially evil man named Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote a book called The Social Contract. Upon reading this book, Voltaire remarked that Rousseau is the enemy of mankind. Pushing a belief in the lies that are found in his book is the basis of all contemporary democracies and all of the communist ideologies. Rousseau led to Hegel who led to Marx who led to Stalin and Mao, who slaughtered about 150 million with their systems. Tens of millions of others were slaughtered by the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, Kamel Ataturk, etc. The total mass murders of the 20th Century number about 262 million.

At the same time as Rousseau was writing, the ruler of Prussia was Frederick II, aka Frederick the Great, a relative of the Hanover family that has been ruling Britain since the early part of the 18th Century. He developed a Prussian education “system” to separate smart children and make them officers while the rest of the children would become cannon fodder for his armies. In the 1840s, an especially evil man named Horace Mann selected the Prussian system of schooling and brought it to Massachusetts. It now infests all the public schools in America.

So children are taught to sit in rows, repeat their lessons, given national standardised tests, made to get up when bells ring and move to another classroom and be seated before another bell rings, etc. They are regimented and taught obedience. Creativity and innovation are kept under lock and key, and they keep track of the clever students who might manage factories or be officers for the brutal war machine.

Disciples of Mann, such as John Dewey, continued the path to destroying education in America. People who are dumbed down are then told lies, complicated ideas about non-Euclidean geometries are discouraged, and the foolish are made slaves. The conception of Rousseau, and of Adam Weishaupt, and of Frederick II, was of a “managed society.” Managed by an elite, who select future members of their elite cadre, for the purpose of keeping that elite in power. Weishaupt led a group called the “Illuminati” and his brand of evil was widely regarded by Masons such as George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. They built a gigantic plantation to make of mankind slaves.

In the early decades of the 20th Century, several important proofs were made available that show the managed society cannot manage anything. Kurt Gödel showed that no system of logic is ever complete in itself. His incompleteness theorem illustrates the difficulties of pursuing an effort to have a system of logic to cover all bases. Nils Bohr and others illustrated the quantum nature of reality and the work of John Wheeler and the subsequent work of David Deutsch illustrate how vast the number of dimensions in our universe really is, and how much bigger reality is than what ordinary mortals see. Occasionally a few have been given gifts of vision to see beyond the three spatial and one time dimension that most are taught to limit themselves to thinking about.

Finally, and most important, Ludwig von Mises and other Austrian economists illustrated the economic calculation problem which makes all command economies fail. The only way to generate effective supply is by having a free market to find market clearing prices. All efforts to close off this market and force prices or force any other aspect of the economy generates shortages which, to cover up, must be satisfied by coercing those who have resources to give them up for reassignment. All systems of socialism and communism fail due to their inability to solve the economic calculation problem.

So, the lies about reality are only an element of the desire for control. Understanding reality means understanding that the few do not have the ability to command and rule anything, that those claiming to manage society are completely lost, and that their misunderstandings only serve to further their purposes of power for themselves, enslavement for all others. While people do suffer and die, all forms of tyranny fail, again and again, because reality prevents these things from working.

We live in a universe that has a great deal of complexity. Simplifications like “the flat Earth” are tedious. Plane geometry is not better than curved geometries, and does a much worse job of explaining the observed data. But, observing the universe is being made unfashionable, again by especially evil people who claim that “settled science” must be held in the hands of a priesthood, led by “popular” potentates like Neil deGrasse Tyson, who claim that they have a direct line on the only truths that may be spoken.

There are a great many who have sold their birthright of free will and an immortal soul for “a mess of pottage.” They may eat until they are full, for a time, but that doesn't last. Soon, there will come terrible events. The shape and nature of these events are beyond the scope of this message, and are not chosen by me.


The above text is taken verbatim from a private email message to Alex DeKhytar of and is used here by the original author. Jim Davidson is an entrepreneur, storyteller, messenger, and Friend of Truth. He lives and works in Dayton, Ohio as chief financial officer of Dialogue Key and as chief financial officer for

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