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Number 991, September 23, 2018

People are better the more free they are

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Allowing radical Democrat activists Debra Katz & Ricki Seidman to run the Senate Judiciary Committee
by Vin Suprynowicz
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Fed up, I e-mailed Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, this morning:

Dear Sen. Grassley — I’m a registered Republican voter. I try to avoid being disrespectful, but do you carry your preserved testicles around in a jar? Your initial willingness to hear this woman out was admirable, but how many “deadlines” have you “extended,” so far? This “He tried to cop a feel 36 years ago when he was 17, but I was too drunk to remember where or when” nonsense has been a cynical, radical Democrat strategy to delay, delay, delay from the beginning.

Operatives Katz & Seidman certainly aren ’t working for the long-term good of their supposed client, Mrs. Blasey Ford. This is the same team that recruited and paid the “ shriekers” to turn your hearings into a circus from Day One.


Please call your committee vote.

Are decency, the rule of law, and the (small) remaining dignity of the U.S. Senate really less important than your fear of being called an insensitive brute by the likes of Mazie Hirono and Adam Schiff (who I’m SURE would agree to imprison their own child or grandchild without trial if HE were accused by an admitted drink-blitzed alcoholic of trying to cop a feel at age 17)?

What does a “Grassley deadline” now mean? What are you going to do when the Democrats use this extra time to come up with NEW allegations? Will you then schedule your vote for THEIR target date … Jan. 22, 2025?

(Grassley reminds me of the astonishingly inept Joe Stalin, whose first order of June 22, 1941 was for his remaining generals — the ones he hadn’t shot — to TAKE NO ACTION that might offend his staunch ally Chancellor Hitler, since these reports of a giant German invasion had to be some kind of big mistake. Then, when he later ordered a big counterattack? Well, apparently he forgot he’d forbidden his troops to deploy radios, all orders had to move by land-lines, and it turned out German advance units had been busy all night, climbing phone poles and cutting the wires. What does the Honorable Chairman Grassley think is going to happen if he can cajole these delicate Alinsky acolytes into having their oh-so-fragile client testify on Wednesday — the last possible date that MIGHT allow a full-Senate confirmation vote before the new court term begins on Oct. 1 — assuming Chuck and Di don ’t come up with NEW delaying tactics NEXT weekend? Why, he’ ll hear at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning “Our client is sick in the hospital, and you’d better not hold your vote till she gets better, or you’ll be SILENCING THIS POOR ANGUISHED SEX ASSAULT VICTIM JUST BECAUSE SHE’S SICK IN THE HOSPITAL WITH ‘ WOMAN-PROBLEMS,’ YOU DESPICABLE SEXIST OAF!” Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein and all the Chinese spies on her staff must be positively dancing a jig as they trade high-fives: “I never thought it would actually WORK!”)

If your attorneys ever DO question this troubled “professor,” (my e-mail to Sen. Grassley continued) they ’ll be terrified to quiz her on penalty of felony about her anti-Trump activism, reports that she called in the past (on her now-suspiciously-scrubbed “social media” pages) for someone (anyone) to accuse Neil Gorsuch of rape, her admitted teen-age alcoholism and the binge drinking mentioned in her high-school yearbook, won’t they? It’s like you want President Trump and a fine man like Judge Cavanaugh to LOSE.

I’m sorry, but it increasingly appears today ’s Republican Party neither wants nor deserves to govern.

Regretfully, — Vin Suprynowicz

(I also emailed my own senator, Dean Heller, asking him if he could please help the gentleman from Iowa locate his missing testicles, though I did add: “Or is the problem Yertle McConnell?”)


Vin Suprynowicz


Deep in the Nevada desert, in a hidden mansion full of old books and vintage clothes, guarded by five anthropomorphic cats and a family of Attack Roadrunners, Vin Suprynowicz went cold turkey from a 40-year newspaper career. They said he’d never write anything over a thousand words, again. But with the help and encouragement of the Brunette and a few close friends, he came back….
Read more about him.

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