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Number 991, September 23, 2018

People are better the more free they are

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Clean Pure Water
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

"Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas."

"The authors conclude that available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect. As part of efforts to reduce hazardous fluoride ingestion, the practice of artificial water fluoridation should be reconsidered globally, while industrial safety measures need to be tightened in order to reduce unethical discharge of fluoride compounds into the environment. Public health approaches for global dental caries reduction that do not involve systemic ingestion of fluoride are urgently needed."

For the past 20 years, I’ve made considerable effort to drink water that is purified by reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is one of the few techniques that can removed "dissolved solids" such as lead or fluoride from the water. Purified water is important, because most of your body is water.

And, it turns out, from careful review of the scientific literature, the fluoride added to drinking water is not only poisonous, not only a neurotoxin that significantly impairs cognitive development in children, not only isn’t effective at reducing dental caries (whereas topical application using toothpaste, or a dentist’s fluoride treatment is at least measurably effective), but also the people responsible for the government subsidies for water fluoridation knew at the time of their studies in the 1950s that the facts were not as presented. Turning a toxic waste that companies in the uranium processing and metals processing industries would have to pay to dispose of into a "product" that can be sold to municipal water services has been a bonanza. It is just one of the many ways in which a few profit at the expense of the many because a giant government does not work for everyone, but only for those with power and influence.

Carrying Capacity

The Earth as it exists today may have a carrying capacity, but the number of humans who can live on or within the crust or in the atmosphere or in the oceans of Earth, let alone in orbit or elsewhere in our Solar System is easily in the trillions of persons. Way back in 1970 or so, Buckminster Fuller produced a design for housing every one of the 3 billion humans then alive on the land surface area of the Galapagos Islands. The evil psychopathic environmentalist extremists, the eco-nazis, have been wanting to exterminate more than half the human race since I was a child.

Their ideology is at its core an evil one. They may or may not be actively in league with demonic powers, they may or may not worship Satan, but they clearly believe in killing six billion or more people. There is no reason to do so, and plenty of reasons not to do so.

Club of Rome

The Club of Rome studies that came out in the early 1970s are based on a huge number of really stupid assumptions. Technology doesn’t change anything, no new resources are ever discovered, price does nothing to the availability of supplies, and on and on. None of their computer models proved anything. But their sources of funding are the same evil scum who have wanted to enslave and destroy mankind for hundreds of years. Some would argue for the last 5,000 or more years.

The people who call themselves "elite" and already have family fortunes want to stay wealthy and stay in power. They want to run things. They have believed for hundreds of years, some think since at least the AD 800 era of Charlemagne and his ilk, that they ought to run things. They definitely believe that they have the ability to command and control everything.

These are the people who financed Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his writing of The Social Contract and who suborned Thomas Paine after the American revolution. These are the people who funded Karl Marx and have funded every socialist " experiment" and genocide for the last 150 years. They have names like "the Illuminati" and "the New World Order" for what they do, and some of the identifiable villains have names like George HW Bush, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, Ted Turner, and George Soros. These are people who have publicly admitted their enthusiasm for world government, an end to non-state religion, and a command economy.

No, I do not believe it is "the Jews" or "the Zionist Jews" or any other particular set of people. There are Catholics who are horrified by priests raping children, and there are Catholics who believe the Jesuits should run an Inquisition and burn people at the stake in Central Park in New York City. There are good people and bad people in every size, shape, colour, ethnicity, nationality, gender, orientation, and religion, and it ill serves the search for truth to mislabel anything with the terminology of genocidal murderers.

They Cannot Command

The problems for the one world government goofballs are many and varied and deserve to prevail. One of the basic problems they face is: they cannot do what they seek. Not that they should, because clearly they should not. Not that they would, because they clearly desire to do so. But speaking only of whether they can do what they want there are at least the following problems:

1. No system of logic can ever be complete. Kurt Goedel proved that decades ago. There is no way to have a logical proof that doesn’t depend on some starting conditions. No fabrication of a system of "logic" can overcome this basic problem.

2. Economic calculation in the absence of a free market to find market clearing prices is impossible. It is not just "very difficult" or "it needs a supercomputer" as the Zeitgeist and Venus Project people suggest. It cannot be done. A "resource-based economy" is not an economy at all, it is command and control with a bunch of software programmers imagining how to allocate things and hoping for the best. Ludwig von Mises, FA Hayek, Carl Menger, and others did the heavy lifting on this topic. Without free markets to find prices, every system of a command economy fails, and to keep it from looking like a failure, resorts to authority, terror, and genocide. It happened in the Soviet Union, in Cambodia, in China, in Cuba, in Venezuela, everywhere it has been "tried" because it cannot work.

3. We live in a multi-verse, a vastly complex universe with an infinite number of dimensions, an infinite number of parallel narrative threads or "timelines" and these increase and decrease in applicability every time a quantum event happens, and due to various condensation effects. John Wheeler did the early work on the so-called "inflationary universe" and explained that Schroedinger’s cat is alive on one timeline and dead on another, and you don’t know which timeline you are on until you open the box. David Deutsch has done more recent and more effective work, and if you want some clarity on this issue, try The Fabric of Reality which he published in 1994 or so. James P. Hogan wrote extensively on this topic as well, and Paths to Otherwhere is a fun novel.

4. Chaotic systems follow certain mathematical rules, and can be understood after a fashion. But initial conditions dominate. Very, very tiny variables in initial conditions can have dramatic effects only a few days later. The concept is described as "the butterfly effect" because they myth is that a butterfly flaps its wings one day in the mountains of Burma, and two weeks later a hurricane hits South Carolina. Absolutely none of the existing weather models is capable of making accurate short term predictions of temperature, humidity, rainfall, or atmospheric pressure more than 4 days in the future. If you chart the "ten day forecast" for the tenth day against actual results, you see an insignificant relationship between what was predicted and what happened. We literally cannot see the future because: chaos.

They Suck At It

Even if we happened to live in some sort of universe where none of the reasons they cannot command and control things were true, it would still be a terrible idea to give power to these people. They really suck at creating good results on any level.

"By their fruit shall ye know them," said Jesus, when asked how to tell evil from good. Good people do not commit mass murders. Good people do not run an economy into the ground to the point where people are killing stray animals for food. Good people do not hurt other people for fun. Evil people do those things. And they create really bad results, all the time, in every way.

They have a prison for profit industry which is all about putting people in cages, lying about why they are there, keeping them there on any pretext, herding them, and occasionally getting some of them to do work for a few pennies an hour. Mostly it is about making taxpayers pay for housing, guarding, and feeding prisoners, and making more and more prisoners all the time. Something like 2 million Americans are arrested every year, something like 28 million Americans have a felony conviction that affects how they can be employed, and over 65 million Americans have some sort of criminal record. It is absurd, and getting worse all the time.

Free People Are Better

You can say it any way you want. Free people are better off, free people are better at learning,free people produce more, people are better the more free they are, freedom helps everyone prosper, freedom is a good in itself.

There are more people on Earth than when I was a child, by something like 125% or more. So there are more than twice as many geniuses thinking up things nobody else would have thought up. More people is better.

The universe is really large, and we aren’t out there in the Solar System where more than 99.99% of all resources within one light year of Earth are found, including both raw energy and materials. It is, as Dr. Jerry Pournelle, PhD, once wrote, " raining soup out there, grab a bucket."

What Next?

I continue to anticipate major "natural" disasters. I continue to anticipate additional efforts to eradicate freedom, round up the firearms and guns, and execute anyone who opposes the rulers of the system. Although I would not shed a tear if all the so-called "elites" who seek to profit from wars, prisons, and slavery were put into wood chippers, I don’t anticipate that happening this year or next.

What I do think can happen is, you can prepare. You can get fresh water. I pay about 30 cents a gallon for water purified by reverse osmosis, in bulk, at a local grocery chain. I use the big 7-gallon "aquatainer" brand containers because 7 gallons of water weights 56 pounds, and that’s easy to lift. They have a spigot, so it is easy to use them to fill a 3-gallon or 1-gallon jug.

I have a garden. I have a colour paperback book with The Edible Plants of North America. I have tools for building a civilisation once this pestilential authoritarian nonsense collapses and gets out of the way. I have networks of friends and communities of people who help one another. And I’m just this one guy.

About 123 million Americans who were both qualified by age and otherwise free to vote, including tens of millions registered to vote, did not do so in November 2016 because: they didn’t think it mattered; they didn’t think their votes would be counted; they couldn’t see wasting the time. About the same number of Americans who the IRS thinks should be filing taxes every year do not do so. About a third of the country doesn’t respond to the census (and not responding is a $100 fine if they convict you). Americans have withdrawn from a system that has failed them. Tens of millions of us stopped obeying a long time ago. About 95 million Americans are still not in the work force, and only 41 million or so are currently on food stamps.

Do I have a plan for a new society that fixes all the problems mentioned here? Nope. Does anyone? Nope. Do I have to solve all the world’s problems to get you to admit that the current system cannot last, doesn’t work, and hurts millions of people all the time? You tell me.


Jim Davidson is a dancer, actor, storyteller, author, entrepreneur. He is a member of the Dayton meeting of the Religious Society of Friends of Truth. He currently is chief financial officer for and and he is bringing back from deep storage.

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