Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 992, September 30, 2018

I think part of the reason that liberals
are so fanatical about defending Roe
vs. Wade
is because almost all their
big gains were not gained by appealing to
a majority of voters, but by court decisions.

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The New Witch-Hunt
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I have always found it interesting that it is usually the left who seems to have the biggest persecution complex when they constantly whine about how they were treated in 1950’s by Joe McCarthy and The House of Unamerican Activities. Never mind that many of the officials who were supposedly persecuted under McCarthy, were later proven to be in league with the Soviet Union. Never mind that Hollywood big shots who bemoan the Communist blacklist of the 1950’s, are the same bullies who routinely blackball conservatives and libertarians who try to have a career in the entertainment industry. Whenever you have Congress trying to hold government officials on the left accountable, as they tried with the investigations of Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s treatment of classified information, you have leftists who call it a witch-hunt. Yet it seems like the biggest perpetrators of the witch-hunt mentality are those on the left.

Since the Russian investigation has pretty much been a bust, the left has decided to undermine Trump’s presidency by attacking his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. It started off when you had leftist going completely insane at the prospect of having a conservative Supreme Court Justice, who isn’t a fan of abortion. First, there were the feminists who dressed up as characters from A Handmaiden’s Tale, as if Kavanaugh actually has the power to subjugate every woman in this country with one fell swoop. Then there were these nutjobs who showed up to Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing yelling and screaming about how he is going to reverse Roe v. Wade. Apparently, these idiots have no idea how the Supreme Court actually works. It’s extremely difficult to overturn a decision made by other Supreme Court Justices, so it is highly unlikely that such a case like Roe v. Wade will ever be overturned. These fruitcakes make me ashamed to tell anybody that I am actually on the prochoice side.

At first, I wasn’t really sure how I felt about the good judge. I know that he claims to be a strict constitutionalist, but I have been let down in the past by certain officials who gave themselves that very title. Now, I find myself becoming increasingly more empathic to the good judge. It was bad enough when those fools acted like the sky was falling, just because we may end up with a justice who isn’t a fan of abortion, but now we have these ridiculous accusations made by some woman who claims that Kavanaugh groped her at a party that they both attended while they were in high school.

The very idea that you have a woman bringing accusations about something that Brett Kavanaugh allegedly did in high school thirty-eight years ago is pretty absurd in itself. Sadly, the absurdity doesn’t end there. This woman who claims to have been traumatized by Kavanaugh’s groping, doesn’t seem to remember any key details of her ordeal, such as the place or even the exact year it occurred. So, if she remembers so little about an unwanted groping all those years ago, then why is she so bothered by it now? Recently she went into therapy where the memories seemed to resurface. Of course, if you take a look at the notes made by her therapists (they were made available) you can actually see a series of discrepancies, such as the number of men who were involved in this alleged groping, which went from four to two. On top of that she didn’t even name any of the gropers until recently. I am not sure what kind of therapy this woman is going through, but this seems reminiscent of the Recovered Memories therapy that was popular in the eighties, where a person would recall repressed memories while under hypnosis. We would later come to realize how easy it was for therapists to unintentionally plant false memories into the heads of their patients about how their parents were cult members who routinely molested and sacrificed children in the name of Satan. I don’t know for certain if her therapist is using the same technique, but I do find it telling that the accuser can only recall vague details about a night that was supposed to be traumatic.

Of course, this hasn’t stopped the Democrats from declaring Kavanaugh guilty, despite the only evidence that they have against him is the word of a woman who can’t recall key details. Not that I am surprised, since this is something that I have come to expect from the Democrats. In their minds the presumption of innocent only applies when one of their guys are accused of sexual misconduct. The people I am really disappointed in are the spineless Rhinos in the Republican Party, who are actually playing right into the hands of the Democrats by delaying Kavanaugh’s confirmation. First of all, there is not much more that can be gathered from the accusations made against Kavanaugh. The accuser can’t recall when or where the incident happened, nor does she have anything to corroborate it. Of course, Kavanaugh has denied that this incident ever took place, so basically it all boils down to the accuser’s word against his, which at this point I shouldn’t have to point out whose word is the strongest. I also laugh at anyone who believes that an FBI investigation is going to add anything to the proceedings.

I remember reading an article last year by Larry Elder on, where he said that the Republicans need to disavow Roy Moore who was accused of sexual misconduct during his run for the Senate. Elder wrote that the presumption of innocence only applies to the judicial courts and not the court of public opinion. Basically, he said that we should throw any member of the Republican Party under the bus, if he is unfortunate enough to have accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against him. I was really disappointed to see a no-nonsense libertarian leaning conservative such as Larry Elder write such bunk. Someone as intelligent as Elder should know that when you eagerly throw a member of your own party to the wolves over mere accusations, you are actually showing your opponents how easy it is to take down one of your candidates. Just ask Herman Caine who experienced the same misfortune when he had multiple women accuse him of sexual harassment during his presidential run. After he was pressured by his own party to drop out of the race, the accusers who came out of the woodwork to attack his character completely disappeared and their accusations along with them. You see that’s what happens when you throw a member of your own party under the bus. You end up giving your opponents weapons to use against you and your fellow party members, any time they want to knock you out of the race. What the good-natured people on the right, such as Larry Elder need to understand, we are facing an enemy who has pretty much made it clear that they are playing to win and if it means compromising the truth, then so be it. We can’t afford to give them an inch because they will not only take the field, but they will take every field around it.

Update: I wrote this article before another woman came out of the woodwork to accuse Kavanaugh of some form of sexual misconduct. This time it involved him exposing his penis to a young woman during a dorm party at Yale. While she could at least name the time and the place that this transgression allegedly took place, she admits that she is still fuzzy on the details, since she was intoxicated at the time. While she did name some witnesses to corroborate her story, none of them seem to remember the incident ever taking place and they all believe that it is highly unlikely that Kavanaugh would ever do something like she described. What’s worse is that the left openly admits that when it comes to sexual assault, the burden off proof falls on the accused and not the accuser.

Another Update: A third accuser has come out of the woodwork, claiming that Kavanaugh and his friends would spike the punch at high school parties so that they could get women intoxicated enough to rape them. Yet the accuser was in college at the time, so one has to wonder why she was hanging around high school kids. She also claims that despite all the rape activity that was going on, she kept attending these parties thrown by Kavanaugh and his friends. Yeah that makes sense. It seems like the claims get more ridiculous every time a new person comes out of the woodwork.

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