Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 994, October 14, 2018

The existing system
is unsustainable and
is going to go away

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez


In The Once and Future King (The source for The Sword in the Stone and Camelot) T.H. White avers that King Arthur committed an atrocity. He has his knights attack the enemy's knights instead of their peasant militia. American Western Movies show Indians and Pale Faces frequently striking at innocents to avenge crimes. Historically, when the Sioux and their allies beat Custer the US government took reprisals against other tribes such as the Nez Perce and Apache.

As bigots of both left and right fail to achieve their goals they will turn to violence. They will not go after eachother, they will come after us. Quite simply, there are not enough people at the extremes for them to have targets. Secondly, unless the rest of us get dragged in to the fight their effort to use violence to obtain their goals will achieve nothing. Finally, remember that both groups are seeking control of the state, and while some of us are more conservative or liberal/progressive than others, we are in disagreement with those at the extremes. If you can't get the votes maybe you can terrorize people into acquiescence or get the other guy to go too far and thus gain popular support. So, be ready to avoid trouble, evade when trouble starts, and fight back effectively so that you survive trouble.

America is on the cusp of great change. We have hopes of becoming even greater than ever. We also face the risk of wrecking the whole thing. There are those whose willingness to use force to shape our future can distort if not destroy that greatness. The rest of us must be ready to protect ourselves, and perhaps stop these people cold.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Rather entertaining: In Deep Blue California, NBC Tried To Find Young People Motivated To Vote...Things Turned Out Poorly

The young people of California apparently have better things to do with their lives. According to the pollster doing this survey the most common registered voter in this demographic is "No preference" which sort of reflects that both parties are a major failure - which we have known for years. Could California be a bellwether for where the nation is ultimately going?

Time will tell.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


Frequently we are told to take people at their word when they run off at the mouth about doing evil. Many times we hear stories that a mass killer announced their intentions for weeks and months before they shoot up some no gun zone. Just as often we hear people say no one took their pronouncements seriously enough.

Back at the beginning of the current administration certain people who were unhappy with Mr. Trump announced that they were the Resistance. Perhaps they were attempting to invoke the romantic appeal of Casa Blanca and the Star Wars series. Or perhaps they understood the imagery of a nation occupied by violent force and preparing to engage in violence against its invader. Many of them are indeed immature fools who utter threats not understanding the import of their words. Of course, sooner or later this catches up with you.

In a functioning democracy, those who oppose the Party in Power call themselves the Opposition. Sometimes they call themselves the Loyal Opposition, making it clear they share loyalty to the same nation state and that that loyalty requires they seek different policies to run their nation those in power. By calling themselves the Resistance a big group of Trump's opponents have declared that they no longer believe that the Democratic system in the USA works and that they intend to regain control of the Government by any means necessary. That a large portion of them are overgrown children who don't understand what they are getting into worries me.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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