Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 998, November 11, 2018

If these measures appear crazy or extreme
to you, then you‘re part of the problem.

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That Uncomfortable Moment
by by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

You know, I know, everyone with a basic understanding of reality knows that it’s impossible—even given truly bad practices and lack of ballot custody—that every time ballots are “found” they are uniformly for the democrats.

You know, I know, everyone knows that not only is election integrity in the US so bad it would make camel herders blush, but we joke about it. We’ve been joking about it since I was first in country. Chicago is a byword, but we’re starting to get a feeling the practices of Chicago are more or less universal. In America all the dead are rising and voting… democrat.

And our opponents are okay with that. They’re fine and dandy with that. They’re fine with busing people from precinct to precinct to vote fraudulently. And they’ve done everything they can for maximum fraud and maximum deniability: vote by mail, early voting, same day registration. Dear Lord, the voting integrity was bad in the 90s, now it’s ludicrous.

And they’re okay with that because their RELIGIOUS fervor in their political credo tells them that we have the upper hand—never mind that we don’t—due to “institutional bias”. Their enormous racism leads them to believe no system designed by “dead white men” can be fair. Sure, they don’t see the logical inconsistencies, but their literature and “studies” professors taught them to see all sorts of things that aren’t there, and to take on faith that the only reason the country isn’t socialist is “white males.” Their faith also tells them that if the people being oppressed (or self oppressed, or that have internalized white supremacy and patriarchy, or another million nonsense phrases to signify “if you’re not doing exactly what I want, there’s something wrong with YOU.) COULD vote their “true” feelings, they’d vote for the dems/socialists/communists (where on that continuum are most of them now?)

So all they’re doing with their fraud and their transparent corruption is balance the scales. They giggle gleefully as they do it, because they think they’re striking one against “the system.”

Only what they’re destroying is our faith that we can live as we want and be left alone. What they’re destroying is the ability to own property and trade, the same system that made them fat, happy and stupid. Oh, so very stupid.

We who are grown up, we who know history, we who know when applied to the real world their illusions bring only death and mass graves, know they’d be the first in those mass graves if they won, pushed there by their comrades.

We can’t let them win.

But we don’t move.

We don’t move—and some of us, ludicrously, try to pretend fraud isn’t happening. BAH!—because the minute it’s out in the open, the minute the music plays and the dance starts, there’s no turning back. We like our lives, we love our country. We don’t want to see it riven.

The idiot children—even those older than I—take our silence, our horrified immobility for an admission that what they’re doing is right and just, that it’s a balancing of the scales, that we OWE them. And they grow ever more crazy and blatant.

We’re still quiet, but anger is growing. This year more than ever, as the dems prepare to STEAL three senatorial races, without so much as a fig leaf, people all over the country have gone strangely quiet, and in private, horrifyingly angry.

This only ends one way, and the left, ever incapable of forecasting a different result of their actions than what they’ve experienced before, keeps pushing and pushing and pushing.

If you’re a believer pray, pray very constantly that a miracle occurs, that a legal solution is found, that our vote system is cleaned up, that the lawlessness ends without blood shed. Pray that our cold civil war remains cold until things change enough that it resolves naturally.

If it goes hot, given my necessity for daily meds, my life expectancy is a year or two. But that’s not what scares me. What scares me is what comes after. Our last civil war, emphasizing federal power, made us vulnerable to today’s mess.

But there are worse things than personal death. And there are more horrible things than war.

Take a deep breath. Take stock of your preparedness, your ability to survive.

Take a deep breath. This weekend, enjoy your life, your family, and this fractured, tentative pause.

Before the music starts and we must dance.


Posted at According to Hoyt for November 10, 2018.

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