Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,009, February 24, 2019

I’m afraid they’re going to get crazier the
more power they lose. Beware the wounded bear.
By which I mean “let’s make them crazier.”

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Letter from Ted Ball

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Arvin Vohra (Candidate for President)

Letter from Ted Ball

Re: “The False Red Flag” by L. Neil Smith [In this issue]

Let’s also remember Gibbs’ Rule #9: “Never go anywhere without a knife”. A few corollaries to that one come to mind as well as some obvious substitutions. I’d mention some of them, yet I don’t want to start a squabble on .357 vs 9 mm vs 45 ACP vs ________ .

There’s an additional reason to follow #9 and its corollaries (corollarii? corollarae? corollariuses?)—doing so is bound to upset the “Wokestapo.”

Ted Ball
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


In the Spring of 2013 I must have written a half dozen emails to Texas State representatives and senators expressing support for the re-legalization of switchblades in the Lone Star State. Supporters of gun rights throughout took time to express their support of legalizing switchblade knives, including automatic, gravity, and butterfly knives. The appropriate bill was passed and switchblade knives became legal as of September 2013.

Benchmade Knife Company makes switchblade knives. Between 2013 and 2017 I bought 2 of their balisongs and one of their automatics. There were at least two more of their knives I really wanted to buy. Emphasis on wanted.

On 21 February, 2019 a brouhaha was started when the Oregon City PD posted pictures to Face Book of Benchmade letting the OCPD use their facilities to destroy confiscated firearms. Many supporters of gun rights feel betrayed, we struggled to get switchblades legalized in Texas and other states, something that did Benchmade’s bottom line no harm. In returned they worked with victim disarmers to destroy guns. Then it comes out that the company is donating money to antigun Democrats. At least that is the optics of the situation.

Benchmade makes a jambiya style folder in both manual and automatic. I’ve been hoping to buy one in either operating system, one of each would have been nice. I’ve been hoping they would make a balisong version of it. Guess I’m going to have to hope someone else comes out with something close to these designs.

Or maybe Benchmade will successfully defend their actions. They deserve the chance.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Arvin Vohra (Candidate for President)


The last few years of traveling around the country for political events has given me a new perspective on gun laws. I’ve met people who routinely have bears in their yard. I’ve met people who have neither bears in their yard, nor a yard at all. These two groups often have different views on they type of gun they need.

Culturally, America is not one country. Sure, there are some multinational restaurants and stores you’ll find pretty much everywhere, but you’ll find those restaurants and stores are found in other countries too. That’s how multinationals work.

Parts of the country are extremely religious. Other parts are mostly secular. There are places in which Spanish is just as common as English. There are places where Chinese is more common than either. There are places where crime and violence are common, where individuals and communities work together just to maintain basic levels of safety. There are places where violence is unheard of.

The idea of one set of laws applying to all of these radically different situations is absurd. A single mom in inner city Baltimore faces a different set of dangers from one in rural Montana. And this is not something that can be intelligently done at the state level either. The eastern shore of Maryland might as well be a different planet from Baltimore. Or the city Level—South Central LA is not in any meaningful way similar to Beverly Hills.

Most laws should be determined privately. I’m not talking about universal laws that apply in all countries and at all times in history. Laws against murder, theft, and rape are universal and obvious. I’m talking about gun possession laws, drug laws, etc.

Take alcohol sales on Sunday laws. Those shouldn’t be laws. They should be policies set by individual stores. A store that wants to stay open on Sunday should. Companies like Chick-fil-a, who prefer not to, shouldn’t.

The same can apply to gun laws. Individuals and businesses can set gun policies, just as they set dress codes. Some restaurants require shirts. Others require ties. Others might ban guns—or require them.

Real estate developers can do the same in larger developments. Today, some private communities have strict rules about lawn care. They could just as easily have their own rules about guns—or drugs, or alcohol, or anything else they wanted.

Replacing government laws with private rules helps ensure that the rules will be relevant to the situation. It also gives us real choice. Those who want to live in a community without guns can do so. Those who want to live in one that requires guns can do so.

If elected, I will repeal most federal laws, by whatever method works. Whether than involves signing a bill, passing an executive order, pardoning those who break needless laws, or declaring a made up emergency—I"m not too particular. I will also encourage state governors, state legislators, county executives, mayors, county councils, and city councils to get rid of most state, county, and city laws. If a law isn’t about murder, theft, assault, or rape, get rid of it.

Private rules can be relevant to the actual situation, and give us choice. To help replace inefficient, one-size-fits-none government laws with private rules that make sense, please join my campaign at


Arvin Vohra
[email protected]
Candidate for President
Author of Pull Out: Men, Modern Life, and Mutiny
(301) 320-3634

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