Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,009, February 24, 2019

I’m afraid they’re going to get crazier the
more power they lose. Beware the wounded bear.
By which I mean “let’s make them crazier.”

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Dialogue Key and Skylab
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

“Your action on behalf of others or their action on behalf of you is only vituous if it is derived from voluntary, mutual consent, for virtue can only exist where there is free choice.”
—The Philosophy of Liberty, 2000
video by Kerry Pearson & Ken Schoolland

Recently I was asked by a friend to help her friend sell some art. After quite a bit of effort, the agent is where she needs to be and the art deal has been put in motion. Looking forward to it coming out well. As a result, Dialogue Key is now moving into a greater push on luxury goods, services, and real estate offerings. We’re still building our entertainment network.

This morning, our chief executive officer, Alex DeKhtyar (his family says “dock-twar”) sent me the George Carlin “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it” video. His follow-up comment was, “our job is to go find the best of the best and bring them together.” To summarise our company ethics policy (which I drafted) we’re against coercion and we’re in favour of peace. If it isn’t voluntary, it is not okay. Our goal is to make entertainment uplifting, not degrading.


Skylab brings us Puma, Fanatics & Papa Johns

Dialogue Key’s partnership with Skylab has enabled us to team up with major brands such as the German sportswear manufacturer, Puma, the global leader in licensed sports merchandise, Fanatics, and America’s favorite pizza franchise, Papa Johns. Dialogue Key is a talent exchange platform and dedicated community for entertainment professionals and private members. It allows users to connect, enhance their earning and learning opportunities, and to travel and share experiences in luxury with like-minded people from around the world.

These major brands are now rewarding entertainment professionals who display the following career-boosting behaviors:

1. Actions to power up such as setting goals, exercising and eating healthy meals.
2. Actions to level up such as going on casting calls, attending workshops and classes to grow from an amateur to a professional, and locking in a go-see.
3. Actions to succeed such as getting the role, walking the runway and landing the cover of a magazine.

The users earn digital badges for completing these actions a set amount of times and then modeling their behavior for others by sharing online and within the Dialogue Key app.

“In the entertainment industry people spend 20% of their time working and the other 80% looking for work. With Skylab’s technology and our platform now we can significantly improve those numbers.”—Alexander De Khtyar, CEO of Dialogue Key

Click here to download the Dialogue Key app as well as other successful Skylab case studies and learn how Skylab can empower you to build your tribe.


You Have No Tribe?

If you don’t have a tribe, you might want to try Caledonia. As mentioned in his essay on the topic in these pages our founding member Sonora Jack has been looking for a group of voluntary free thinkers who want to live and work together in a society without compulsion. We currently have a number of Telegram channels where we engage in discussions on topics like mutual aid and rapid response. In the last few weeks we’ve helped get a lawyer for a victim of domestic violence, helped a person contemplating suicide, and helped someone having severe pancreatitis and gall problems get to hospital.

The group is also very interested in silver as a currency and in creating a trade and barter network. We also think well of mutual aid societies which have tended to be better at providing health care than the nationalist socialist healthcare systems currently displaying their madness worldwide.


One World Is Not Enough

Today I saw a photo of the Virgin Galactic spaceship that apparently carried three people on a suborbital space voyage. One of the three was a space tourist trainer who is going to share her experiences with the tourists who have booked flights. That’s going to be fun for a lot of people, and hopefully lead on to greater things.

It is my continuing preference that missile technologies be used to put people and systems in space rather than explosives on other people. To promote that cause I’ve started the Swords to Ploughs project at Houston Space Society. I sincerely believe that the best place for a technological civilisation to progress is not at the bottom of a gravity well. There are many resources and much more energy out in space than there is down here on Earth. Or as Jerry Pournelle once wrote, “It’s raining soup, grab a bucket.”

Mind you, I also like Freeman Dyson’s view that “once we’re in the asteroid belt the IRS will never find us.”


Communities Here

One way to forward the concept of living and working in communities beyond the Earth is to create resilient communities here on Earth. I’m happy to say that Dialogue Key is working closely with author and software architect Chris Boehr on publishing his book on freedom communities which includes many great ideas about how to build without coercion and domination. We’re also working to build these same ideas into a video game based on his ideas.

This week, we’ve also begun work on plans for a first freedom community, possibly in the Appalachian Mountains. We’re looking at other locations, as well. Our goal is to build on the ideas of the Resilient Ways Foundation to make open source freedom community building a reality.


Jim Davidson is an author, entrepreneur, freedom advocate, space enthusiast. He’s worked in lawn & pool care, metal recycling, kitchens, banking, restaurants, real estate sales software development, business plan development, launch services logistics, launch services sales and proposal development, space tourism sweepstakes giveaways and corporate sponsorships, medical practice management software development, college course teaching, forensic accounting, database analysis, management consulting, digital gold exchange automation, gold-denominated stock exchange operations, mutual aid society development, crypto-currency operations and development, travel voucher systems development, and entertainment networking software and services development.








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