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Number 1,012, March 17, 2019

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Letter from Harding McFadden

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

It Isn't What it Appears to be

They travel over 2,000 miles to get into the United States. They line up at the legal ports of entry waiting to ask for admission as refugees or to get a green card. To them the Wall is something to lean against waiting for the Border Patrol to come and arrest them so they can ask for asylum. They have overwhelmed the capacity of private charities and both the American and Mexican governments to provide them with shelter, medicine, food, and police protection.

Many of them cross away from legal ports of entry guided in by coyotes who very likely will rob them, kidnap them, extort them, rape about one third of the females, murder them, and/or abandon them in the desert to die of thirst, starvation, and exposure.

They do this to escape from corrupt government officials who fail to protect them from criminal gangs that rob, rape, extort, and murder them. Very often the criminals and the government officials are the same people, or acting in accord with each other.

They are preyed upon because they are legally forbidden to own the weapons they need to protect themselves from the criminals who treat them like sheep to be shorn. Ironically, they are being encouraged to come to America by a political party that wishes to disarm the American people so we can live as sheep waiting to be shorn. These politicians wish to have the immigrants to come over and become voters and support their agenda to impose gun control and socialism on America, the same things that made their home nations hells that had to be abandoned.

These immigrant may fall for the socialism part of the Democrats' agenda, people keep falling for it like there is no tomorrow. However, rest assured they will vote for Democrats in spite of that bunches' support for gun control not because of it. Also rest assured if they had guns most of the people fleeing Central America would not be running here in droves.

In 2020 remember to elect legislatures and members to Congress that oppose gun control. There's no place for us to run when the cops and crooks are the same people working for politicians that make them look decent and honest.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)


“I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”—Albert Einstein

“An entire generation's minds are not present in the same location as their bodies. Think about that. The irony of it is that the computer can help us to communicate ideas and "connect" with one another, but the cell phone/social media disease is having the opposite effect.”—Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada

Trump is just as much a totalitarian as any of his GOP opponents:

“The US Government Will Be Scanning Your Face At 20 Top Airports, Documents Show” by Davey Alba
“This is opening the door to an extraordinarily more intrusive and granular level of government control.”

M.A.D.S. Make America a Dystopian State

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

“There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'.”—Philip K. Dick

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Letter from Harding McFadden

They’ve failed.

Reading about Pelosi saying that Trump’s “Just not worth it,” and the first thought that comes to mind is: they haven’t got it. The smoking gun. After two years of constant investigation, harassment, and character evisceration, to just say “He’s not worth it” is too easy. It’s the head of the Democratic Party seeing the writing on the wall, that after all of this crap that they’ve put the country through they’ve got exactly bupkis. This isn’t taking the high road, or dropping him to the level of an offhand slur. This is desperate damage control. They’ve been frothing at the mouth for more than two years, kicking the populace into a frenzy, and now that the time’s come to show us what they’ve accumulated in all that time, they see that they can’t. They’ve failed.

Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

SpaceX Starship and The Von Braun Rotating Space Station - YouTube

The pictures of the effects of long term stays in zero G are shocking. The fluid shift to the upper body weakens the heart which makes it less able to maintain adequate circulation under normal gravity conditions when astronauts return to Earth. Resulting in swollen legs and generally weak stamina that makes readapting to a normal life very much like the ordeal of a bed bound patient trying to walk again. Obviously some form of spin gravity is a necessity if humans are going to stay in space for long periods of time or permanently inhabit orbiting stations or make long trips around the solar system to visit Mars or mine the asteroids.

The Von Braun station looks like a good solution to that problem that is a rebooted version of an old concept developed in the last century. It might be the next stepping stone from the current International Space Station toward the O'Neill type cylinder habitats capable of housing populations of thousands or millions under remarkably Earth like conditions. Best of all—this looks like a privately funded proposal that can pay for itself and pave the way to a future in which space travel will follow the course of commercial aviation and become affordable to average people:

[Link to YouTube]

Pelosi Supports Lowering the Voting Age to 16: 'Important to Capture Kids When They're in High School'

Pelosi is living proof you can't even count on adults to be rational!

I can see why it was just to extend the franchise to 18 year olds because they are subject to being drafted into the military and therefore have a stake in the matter. I guess it's important to capture young people as a voting block while they're still under the influence of the progressivist indoctrination centers and milk their votes for a few years before they actually get out into the workforce and start feeling the actual pain as taxpayers footing the bill for all those wonderful progressive programs and policies they were sold on back in high school civics lessons:

[Link to]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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