Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,013, March 24, 2019

I think I’ll just continue being myself as hard as I can.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from Ted Ball

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Jim Woosley

Another Letter from Jim Woosley

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Ted Ball

Re: “To My Friends and Readers” by L. Neil Smith

Thank you, Neil—I’ve been looking forward to all of them. I am guessing they’ll be available via the publisher and Amazon. If I use the Amazon process, is it still beneficial to get to the dead-tree versions on Amazon using a link you’ll provide on TLE?


With the foofooraw going on about airline passengers bringing their emotional support animals on board (dogs & cats I get, particularly dogs for PTSD survivors), e.g. peacocks, rats, small alligators. I’m wondering if I can get an emotional support tag for my 1911. You know, it’s my emotional support device. Just happens to be a .45 ACP. Guaranteed not to crap all over the plane, or screech like a peacock (ever heard one up close? Ear-splitting).

Just a thought and probably not an original one.

Ted Ball
[email protected]

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Letter from L. Neil Smith


If you order through the front page of TLE, Kenny gets a small commission, which he richly deserves.

I hadn’t thought of an emotional support 1911, but I’ll think of it that way now. My emotional support 1911 is a Seecamp Conversion I’ve had at my side for 35 years.

[email protected]

P.S. I also have an emotional support Glock 23 I’m very fond of.

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Letter from Jim Woosley

An interesting discovery

From an Address to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, approved by the Continental Congress and appended to a latter to King George, July 8, 1775.

Should Victory declare in your Favour, yet Men trained to Arms from their Infancy, and animated by the Love of Liberty, will afford neither a cheap or easy Conquest. Of this at least we are assured, that our Struggle will be glorious, our Success certain; since even in Death we shall find that Freedom which in Life you forbid us to enjoy.


Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jim Woosley

Thoughts for the Day

The thing that progressives appear to fail to understand is that conservatives, and especially libertarians, are not white supremacists. Are not anything supremacists. Conservatives and libertarians are nobody supremacists—motivated by the idea that nobody should claim superiority over any other person, that all have the capability to excel but no two people like. And we are particularly not government supremacists. Or maybe progressives do understand it, and claim the opposite as the core of their opposition to it. Because ultimately freedom is seductive, for many people far more seductive than security. And progressives must fight that freedom for all their worth, and spark the pretense that license is equivalent to liberty, else their misguided followers will see their lies for what they are.

If the electoral college were abolished, the office of president would basically be determined by three cities—New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles—infamous for their decades and centuries of political corruption. I say no.

Wealth is a combination of three things—resources, and the labor and intellectual property—from fire through neurosurgery—necessary to create and accomplish things with those resources. Capital is our tool for measuring the value of wealth. Whenever capital is taken through taxes and used to pay for current consumption, or used corruptly or inefficiently, wealth is destroyed and society becomes impoverished. That is the ultimate evil of all forms of socialism and communism.

Note: a portion of these thoughts were inspired by Sarah Hoyt’s essay: “Tribe and Trap”.

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Dear All,

We are holding a libertarian conference in London this month. It will be an interesting and enjoyable affair. See details below.

You can also see a speech I have earlier this month in Oxford Town Hall. Video at the bottom of this post.

Hope you can make the conference. If not, I’d be grateful if you could pass the details on.

Best regards,

Sean 2019 London Conference
30th March 2019


10:45-11:00 - Arrivals
11:00-11:10 - Introductory remarks, Keir Martland
11:10-11:40 - Decentralised law is superior law, Richard Storey
11:40-12:10 - The commercial revolution in Latin Christendom, Matteo Salonia
12:10-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-14:30 - The Brexit process, David Myddelton
14:30-15:00 - The Good, the Bad, and the Brexit, Andy Duncan
15:00-15:30 - Schools vs Education, Swithun Dobson
15:30-15:50 - Coffee break
15:50-16:20 - Statism: the Trojan Horse of the Alt Right, Sean Gabb
16:20-17:00 - Panel discussion
17:00-17:10 - Closing remarks, Keir Martland

£25, including lunch. Places still available. Enquiries to: [email protected]

[Link to YouTube]

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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