Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,017, April 21, 2019

I hanker as always for a world where the
individual is revered as an individual
and MERITOCRACY rules the day.

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Publisher of Truth
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

[ Editor's Note: Part of this was published last issue. Somehow between there and here it got shortened. Herewith the full version. ]

“You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God
in order to observe your own traditions!”
— Mark 7:9

Julian Assange publishes the truth. Therefore he was falsely accused, tormented for years in the embassy of Ecuador in London, and is now arrested.

Seventy members of parliament have asked that he be extradited to Sweden where he was allegedly charged with a crime some time ago, which apparently was a baseless, politically motivated charge unsupported by evidence of any actual wrongdoing.

The powerful who control Ecuador accepted a bribe in the form of a $4.2 billion loan from the Internationalist socialist Monetary Fund (IMF) which the people of Ecuador will be taxed to repay. The March loan resulted in the April arrest of Assange. The good news here is, we know the price of Ecuador's government. Anyone got $4.2 billion?

Assange is being held under extreme levels of brutal security at a prison generally reserved for the worst enemies of the British monarchy.

Earlier this year, Chelsea Manning refused to testify against other whistleblowers and is again in prison. If the charge isn't contempt of court, it might be contempt from court.

Also this week, the Dread Pirate Roberts 2 was finally sentenced after a secret proceeding in a kangaroo court. Apparently setting up a site for trade and commerce is criminal to the same people who believe pubishing the truth is criminal. I guess we'll just see about that.

All of these things very clearly relate to the passage from Mark 7. It is dangerous and foolish to put man's laws ahead of God's laws. God says to tell the truth, to bear no false witness, but conservative Republicans say to lie about wars, deaths, mutilations, torturing, killing, and war profits. Meanwhile liberal politicians lie about wars, economics, freedom, the right to keep and bear arms, and anything else they say. God says not to steal. The human governments of this world do nothing but steal. One could go on at some length.

You don't live in a free country and you never have. If you want a free country, you'll have to build one. While you are at it, see about building more than one. You know, carry a spare. It would be a goodness.

I thought quite a while about including links on the above points and providing you with a romp across Internet land to see all sorts of sites. But the truth is, if you wanted the truth, you'd go find it yourself. And you'd do just as good a job with your own links, which would be better because you found them. Seek and ye shall find.


Jim Davidson is an author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Find him at

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