Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,017, April 21, 2019

I hanker as always for a world where the
individual is revered as an individual
and MERITOCRACY rules the day.

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False Outrage
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Not too long ago a mass shooting occurred in New Zealand, which left fifty Muslims killed while practicing their faith inside a Mosque. The man who carried out this deed, was someone who wanted to make a statement against Islam. While he has been labeled as a Right-Wing terrorist by many in the media, his manifesto actually tells a different story. I will get to those details shortly, but I want to start off by saying that these murders were nothing short of monstrous and my heart goes out to those who lost their lives in this attack.

Though the people I find the most repulsive are those in the media who jumped all over this tragedy like a pack of wild dogs on a three-legged cat. I have always found it disgusting and downright enraging when special interests groups, along with their cronies in the media, exploit tragedies that occur on this side of the of the world, so they can call on more restrictions on our First and Second Amendment Rights. I find it even more disgusting that they tried to use a mass shooting that occurred in a country that is not even on the same side of the equator as the United States to shame everybody from Breitbart News to Chelsea Clinton to Donald Trump. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised. For years they have tried to blame talk radio conservatives for murders that were thought to be politically motivated. Yet in this particular case it shows nothing but desperation for the left in trying the connect the deaths in New Zealand to Trump or conservative media outlets.

Very few people outside of conservative outlets have actually questioned the absurdity of how Trump or anyone else in the US could have influenced the killer in New Zealand. As his manifesto indicated, he felt that he had more in common with the Chinese government than he does with conservatives. It actually makes sense, considering that China is an ethnostate that isn’t at all fond of Islam. I know that the left tries to claim that Donald Trump’s travel ban, which they still incorrectly call a Muslim Ban, supposedly showed his animosity towards Muslims. Yet they always ignore how countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan, which have some of the largest Muslim populations in the world, didn’t end up being part of the travel ban. I also find it telling that no one of the left has actually shown the same nerve to deflect the blame onto China, which is not only a racist ethnostate, but routinely persecutes Muslims by placing them into concentration camps. I won’t hold my breath for anyone on the left to condemn China for their blatant racism and Islamophobia. Of course, these same fools tried to link the fiasco in Charlottesville to New Zealand. What does Charlottesville have to do with what happened in New Zealand? Not a damn thing, but the left somehow found a way to link those two.

In this particular case it wasn’t just the right that found itself attacked by the anti-free speech crowd. Chelsea Clinton found herself attacked by a Muslim group who blamed her so-called “hate speech” for the deaths in New Zealand. What was her hate speech? She called out Ilhan Omar, a Muslim congresswoman for some anti-Semitic remarks that she had made in public. It’s one of the few times that I was not only sympathetic with a leftist, but also one that came from the Clinton clan. Though I would have had more respect for Clinton if she had told those fanatics off, instead of apologizing. Never apologize to a social justice mob, no matter how loudly they scream.

If there is any consolation that can be gained from this tragedy, it is that America is far from being New Zealand. Why is this a relief? Despite the certain powers that are actively trying to strip Americans of their Natural Rights, the people refuse to give them up at the drop of the hat. Unlike New Zealand citizens who allowed the government to unilaterally ban semi-automatic firearms, which actually includes pump-action shotguns, without so much as a debate. The government of New Zealand seemed to show the same amount of respect to the free speech rights of their citizens when they placed a ban on the shooter’s manifesto from being downloaded from the internet. What is really ironic is that the government is playing right into the hands of the very maniac who caused all this. In his manifesto, the killer predicted that his actions would cause the government of New Zealand to restrict the rights of their citizens, especially their right to possess firearms. He also predicted that Donald Trump would be blamed for his actions. It makes me wonder if the government in New Zealand banned the killer’s manifesto, so that they won’t be reminded of how they played right into the hands of a mad man. Guess what, New Zealand? Just because you ban something, it doesn’t magically go away. You will soon learn that once your gun ban takes effect.

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