Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,019, May 5, 2019

Twentieth century—the hangover years.
I think it will take all of the
21st to recover from the 20th.

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Letter from Harding McFadden

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Letter from AUTHOR-NAME-01

Accidental Truth

I love these little bits of truth in news: a few moments ago I was shown a news update from the Washington Post reporting that Facebook had banned right-wing extremists from their social media platform. Less than five minutes later this came: "CORRECTION: Facebook bands extremist figures including Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannoppoulos for being dangerous." Wankers.

Harding McFadden
[email protected]

[ Right. “Extreamist” now means “Anyone who disagrees with us.” “Dangerous” now means the same thing. Dumbshits! They are everywhere!—Editor ]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

From the Border

Following events going on in immigration crisis. These events are reported not to support any point of view, but rather to have facts available.

  1. Private organizations in El Paso have all the clients (illegal aliens seeking asylum) they can handle.
  2. They are sending their excess to Las Cruces, and Las Cruces is shipping them to Albuquerque.
  3. Please note that Border Patrol and INS send these people to Church groups and other charities after they are apprehended. This is not hard, as they are coming across the river and surrendering to Border Patrol.

Turns out that kids are being recycled to create family groups. A "family" comes across, turns themselves in and starts the process. Once they are out of their assigned temporary shelters they send the kid(s) back to Mexico to become part of another "family." As of this writing BP is not allowed to photograph and fingerprint kids, they are trying to correct this. at least one kid has been identified as being used this way.

The Drug cartels have set up an express bus service for people fleeing Central America to the US. Instead of walking, riding in back of trucks, hitchhiking, and hoboing on trains immigrants cough up $5,000.00 to ride up to the Border. No getting robbed, raped, and murdered by coyotes and other "bad hombres." No trying to survive in the desert. Guess who loans these people money to get their tickets ( Just reinvesting their cocaine profits)? And there’s always family member back home for collateral.

The Border Patrol is just now pitting up facilities to handle refugees in El Paso. Liberals in Congress have still not coughed up the money for humanitarian aid for their guests from Central America. Conservatives in Congress have not coughed up the money for enough Border Patrol agents to control the Border. Congress is not doing its job and tries to distract us with investigating the Mueller Report.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: “The Letter of the Law” by L. Neil Smith [this issue]

Years of observation have led me to conclude that gun control legislation is racist, that it is popular among leaders trying to use the government to forcibly change people’s behavior or to maintain unjust systems, and it can be both at the same time. Colonial era laws banned or at least restricted gun ownership and public carrying of guns (and other weapons) by slaves, free Blacks, and Indians. Post CW Laws in the South either specified they were aimed at Blacks and/or were selectively enforced more strictly against Blacks than Whites.

In the Sixties liberals tended to portray gun owners as Red necked White Supremists while simultaneously using the fear of angry Black Radicals as left jab, right hook to push gun control.

Both images are extremely racist and the shameless use of them is one of the things that put me wise to and turn me against the agenda of the victim disarmers. It also showed me that no matter how much I support some goals of the left or right, I can not trust them once they start pushing gun control as a necessary tool to achieving these ends.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from J. Neil Schulman

Re: “The Letter of the Law” by L. Neil Smith [this issue]

As much as I like Anthony Quinn as Zorba the Greek and even more as Kevin Sorbo’s Olympian Papa in Hercules The Legendary Journeys, I just rewatched The Shoes of the Fisherman where Pope Zorba the Russian wants to give the Vatican’s wealth to starving Chinese. As if the reason they were starving wasn’t their commie rulers selling their food to buy missiles aimed as Western targets whom they’ve hated since the Boxer Rebellion. Yeah, that 1970’s movie was prescient about the Vatican.

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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