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Number 1,020, May 12, 2019

What? Me Worry?

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Paul Koning

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

‘LMAOOOO’: ThinkProgress is PISSED ‘Game of Thrones’ ‘not about climate change after all’ –

They just can't leave anything alone when it comes to their pet issues.

It is the same mentality when they tried to bring back the original Battlestar Galactica as Galactica 1980—but it had to be about progressive pet issues like pollution and migrant labor which seemed to be a kick media was on back in those times where stories had to have moral themes like fairy tales of old or be public service or educational in nature—it was all about indoctrinating people to think in a politically correct fashion. But it made for lousy programming.

As the original BSG reboot only lasted a few episodes. The first season on the other hand was a pretty decent romp through the universe where the refugees from the 12 Colonies of Man eluded their enemies and encountered alien worlds and outliers and offshoots of their own society and their parent civilization on the way to find the lost sister colony called Earth!

Something that was lost in the early 2000s reboot—but that one made up for it with a more realistic portrayal of life on a military vessel and the fleet it protected on a long voyage though space. It lasted a lot longer than the original too—because it was able to persist in a niche market for Science Fiction whereas the original had to compete head on against more popular prime time programming. It still has a bit of the progressivist propaganda in it—like a lot of SF—but it did not overwhelm or dumb down the storyline. Which can be the kiss of death for arts and entertainment.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Playing That Card

As it looks like Constitutional Carry is dead this year in the Texas State Legislature I would like to take the time to point out that opposing Constitutional Carry is racist (yeah that card). Police officers currently do not have a reason to stop a person they observe carrying a pistol for a license. Of course, if enough people are carrying openly, “print,” or have the wind blowing their jackets open the police will have too many people to check, so they have to pick whom to check based on some criterion. Sadly, for some that will be race, apparent social class, and/or apparent youth.

Lest you think I am just being an SJW I must point out that in 2015 when Texas adopted licensed open carry an amendment was added to the bill requiring that a police officer had to be able to state a good cause for asking for a license for carrying a pistol. This was in fact promoted as a measure to prevent racial profiling. This language ended up being dropped under pressure from several East Texas Police chiefs. El Paso’s police chief stated he expected his officers to be able to state a reason for stopping somebody for carrying a handgun openly (that said in three years I have observed three individuals other than LEO’s carrying openly, plus maybe another two who printed.).

Do I really believe police will use a requirement to show a license as an excuse to engage in racial, class, and/or age discrimination? Honestly, which PD, which Precinct, and which cop?

There has always been an element of bigotry tied up in gun licensing. Do not kid yourself that this sentiment does not inform the demand for gun control.


I have embarrassed myself referring to the implicit racism of gun control over the last few weeks. I mean, jeez, once is enough. Then I think about it and right now condemning “racism” (actually all forms of bigotry) is the necessary confession of faith of the modern liberal. Conversely, any disagreement with liberals is automatically condemned as racist ( “It’s not chili if it has beans,” “that’s racist,” if a liberal puts beans in their chili).

Only a person afraid of the truth would fail to see that laws designed to keep one race in line will eventually be used to keep the rest of us in line. Yet liberals are promoting laws that historically have been used to enforce racism. Liberals are coming out and admitting they are socialists, yet they support laws that have been to keep workers under the plutocrats’ thumbs.

Let he who has eyes see.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Koning

Re: Ticks [front-page pic / cartoon / whatever last issue]:

That picture reminded me of a quote:

"The word Politics is derived from the Latin poly, meaning many, and tics meaning blood sucking parasites." — Tommy Smothers

Paul Koning
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Sea Change

Lately it's the same old story:

A youngster is interviewed about Trump encouraging racism and/or homophobia or how the latest mass shooting is affecting them and they break into tears, say they're scared, and break down into incoherence.

It must have surprised the media for a kid to say he was preparing to fight back, yet that's what one 6th grader From the STEM School Highlands Ranch where the latest mass shooting occurred stated.

The only person who died in that shooting was Kendrick Castillo, joining the ranks of young heroes who have died breaking up mass shootings. Two others who fought back survived, thus proving courage is not suicidal.

It should be mentioned that STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Schools that specialize in such are usually college prep schools, meant to give kids a chance to prepare for careers in fields that to be honest we don't have enough people. Mr. Castillo had the kind of career ahead of him we can only dream of for our children.

Students at the ceremony memorializing the victims of the attack walked out when politicians appearing tried to hijack the event to push gun control. Some of the kids may have been pro gun control, others certainly opposed it. They were all offended by their memorial being politicized.

It is good to see people celebrating courage instead of promoting cowardice, to see kids let us know they are not our pawns.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

A Florida Room Update

The pursuit of happiness & excellence goes on.  How much longer I don't know as it seems the architects of the Green New Deal are hellbent to bring us the “necessarily skyrocketing electricity rates that former President Obama promised on the campaign trail and failed to deliver on while in office.  Hopefully they will fail too because I'm hoping to launch my own version and it's not easy to “go green” without affordable light and heat!

This is my version of a “Green New Deal” or better yet: “The Real Green New Deal”! Which may very well be a good tile for a full blown article.

I've been very busy at it this winter going into spring ; which is why I haven't been as prolific at writing lately.  I have made lots of progress since I last reported solving the problem of supporting the hydroponic trays with plastic bed risers, getting the basic skeleton of a shallow water platform in place and the vivarium build using Chuck's old metal frame tank which I decided to go with instead of the 40 B that previously occupied the stand beside the Turtle Table.

I modified the wooden stand by filling in the top portion with 2x4s and plywood to support the  bigger tank—probably a 75 gallon—which was the better choice for a frog tank because it has a drain hole drilled in the bottom pane to facilitate flushing to maintain a healthy living environment for rainforest plants and amphibians.  This week I built a false bottom from plastic egg crate and PVC pipe couplings to support a drainage layer of clay pebbles and a lid using a flex hinge and a couple strips of plexiglas and a piece of gutter guard for a ventilated back strip.  And today—Saturday the 11th of May 2019: I picked up some driftwood and a few sheets of substrate barrier from a local reptile show! To which I added a few bromeliads, a fern and a young Crystal Anthurium plant just to experiment with placement of plants and hardscape furnishings.

So far it looks pretty good.  Laid down the substrate barrier that will go over the clay pebbles after those arrive and the tank has been cleaned, resealed and the insulation board that is to be the background is spray foamed , carved and has substrate mix siliconed to it.  There are plastic flower pots pinned to the insulation board which I will fill in around them with the spray foam to make planters into which bromeliads and other plants in net pots can be inserted and removed as necessary.  This is a popular method used by hobbyists and professional zoo keepers to build naturalistic habitats for tropical frogs and lizards.

It should be finished in a month or two and be featured in more detail in future installments of the Norseman's Diaries and / or the Adventures in Herpetology thread I'm planning to write.

And then you'll see what “going green”—the sane version—is all about!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Sean Gabb Newsletter,     6th April 2019

Dear All,

I will write about Brexit later this week—I may have something to say that hasn't already been said again and again. In the meantime, here are details of my new book, which touches on the Fall of the Roman Republic and on the propaganda campaign by which the new Imperial System was legitimised:

The Aeneid, Book Six: Latin Text,
with an Introduction, Notes, Latin and English Prose Versions,
and Vocabularies

Prepared by Sean Gabb
First edition published in May 2019
ISBN-13: 9781096888277
The link takes you to the very long Introduction.

Best regards,

[email protected]

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