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Why Not Simply Quit Recycling for Free?
by Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Recently, the Albuquerque Journal, performing its de facto function as a public-relations branch for Reichsmayor Keller and his eco-fascist buddies, parroted reported the City of Albuquerque's press release about the plan of having the Solid Waste Department go through residents' blue recycling bins looking for wrongtrash

Monday, 3 June 2019, p. A1 —
City crews may dive into your recycling bin
by Jessica Dyer, Journal Staff Writer

Apparently, the plan will entail having people from the Solid Waste Department moving ahead of the collection trucks going through residents' blue recycling bins looking for "non-recyclable materials," then tagging the blue bins of the "wrongdoers."

With that in mind, AND considering the City's recent move to outlaw "single-use" plastic shopping bags such as those found at the checkout lines of Walmart and Home Depot, AND the stated desires of those same eco-fascists on the City Council and the Bernalillo County Commission to outlaw the polystyrene foam "to-go" boxes and plastic straws given to you at most restaurants, why not simply stop ALL recycling?

Does the City give you ANY sort of tax break for your cleaning and sorting of certain kinds of trash gratis for them?

If they do, I certainly haven't heard of it.

What they DO give you instead is an endless stream of nonsensical platitudes about how you're "saving the Earth" by buying into their mind-rot and its attendant rituals.

OK, maybe keep recycling if you can get the trash in question to a private-sector recycler who will — ready for this crazy idea of mine? — PAY YOU FOR IT (in Albuquerque, Town Recycling seems to be the best bet), but why give it with no compensation whatsoever to some crony mercantilist who wangled some back-room deal with the eco-fascists if you don't have to?

What is the Keller Mafia going to do, issue fines and jail time against you for refusing to fill up the blue bin on a semi-periodic basis?

Still, let's not give them any ideas — just like they behave towards gun owners and tobacco smokers, once one of these cretins denies their wanting to enact such a scheme, it won't be long before their successors propose the exact same sort of plan.


Copyright © 2019 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.

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