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Number 1,030, July 21, 2019

Politics is about fixing things before how
big your ammo supply is becomes an issue,
which is why rational people like politics.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Sarah A. Hoyt

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Kept Short and Simple

They came after the progressives and I said nothing because I am not a progressive, then they came for the conservatives and I said nothing, for I am not conservative, then they came for etc. and so on and I blah, blah, blah.

Finally they came after me and there was no one left to speak up for me. And I was good with that, until I ran out of ammo.

Politics is about fixing things before how big your ammo supply is becomes an issue, which is why rational people like politics.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Sarah A. Hoyt

Fit in or F*ck off.

I know. AOC was born "American" so, yeah, Trump misspoke. Is this worse than 57 states? He’s right in the main. That woman loves the country as she wants it to be, with it in charge. The country as it is? Not so much.

Can’t she just go to one of those countries she identifies with? (They probably wouldn’t let her in, but—) As for the others? Two also have birthright citizenship. But they are not even remotely American. Which is the problem with taking "refugees" who don’t want to be American, but to get stuff from America.

As for me—first generation immigrant, thank you so much—and my house, we’ll be American.

People who are here and want to talk about how terrible America is? LEAVE. Vamoose. Go. We’re not a socialist state that restricts your ability to leave. That’s the whole point.

Fit in or F*ck off. I’ll help you pack your bags.

Sarah A. Hoyt

[ This is not actually a letter, but a comment on top of a guest article at her website. But it just about says it all — Editor ]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


You want to expedite admission of refugees, I'll tell you how. Have them sign an affidavit stating "Yo creo que el socialismo es un ideologia que no trabaja y que los politicos que lo quieren traier a los Estados Unidos son traidores." (apologies for any misspellings. Roughly, "Socialism is a failed ideology and the politicians trying to bring it too the United States are traitors.")

Damn Betcha Cheeto-Man will want to greet each one of them what signs at the Border and shake their hand while letting them in.

Due to my unwavering belief in First Amendment freedom of speech and association, I personally don't consider socialists traitors to the US. Confused, yes. Evil, case by case. If a group of people want to voluntarily set up a commune run on socialist principles that's their business. My issue is when you try to drag me into your "commune" by force.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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