Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,032, August 4, 2019

The problem is that these people HATE America.

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Dear Social Media Knuckle-Draggers
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I’ll make this quick, as I’ve got plenty of things to do this week, and I’m sure that you have plenty of foaming at the mouth to get to.

Over the past few months/years, I’ve been shown countless commercials, adds, posts spouting the idea that foreign influences are going to be pushing their various propagandas on the American people, and that it is our job as State-loving collectivists to ignore these influences, and do the right thing: vote Left. This is hilarious to me, as the more I see, the more it looks like we’re dealing with enemies domestic more than those foreign. We’re being censored and browbeat by socialist media outlets, mouth breathing celebrities, and social media gestapo than anything else.

I can’t turn on the tube without being shouted at by someone whose opinion means less to me than what I just threw out, but who gets airtime because of how they aim their hate. I’m a pro-life, pro-gun Righty, and no matter how many times I see Marxist hose heads telling me that I’m wrong, it won’t change my mind. I’m right, you’re wrong, piss off.

Facebook and other social media outlets are actively censoring posts from Right-leaning individuals, and throwing them into the playfully-called Facebook Jail whenever they say anything to the right of “Lenin was my hero!” Sorry to break it to you, but nothing that you say or do will have the least affect on how I vote next year. Though I wrote in “None of the Above” last time, I’ll be pulling for the Donald in ’20, and you can do whatever you want with that info.

Contrary to popular opinion, my other Righties and I are (for the most part) not racist, sexist, or any other bit of soundbite nonsense that you want to use to try to shut us up. We look at everyone equally, and if you’re useless it doesn’t matter what your gender, race, sexuality, or anything else is. We’ll hold you all to the same standard, and if there’s a problem with that, it’s you who are the bigots, not us. So, again and from the bottom of my heart: piss off.

I’ve written a lot over this short lifetime that I’ve been blessed with, and since a very young age, politics has played a large part in most of my scribblings. They will continue to do so. I see it as a responsibility that we all share to show those that follow just what evil is, that there are things that are just wrong, regardless of how you coach them with that toxic dump called political correctness. I’m too lazy and out of shape to ever inspire through athleticism. I can’t play a musical instrument, and I sing like a dying cat, so there’s never going to be a day when I can pass on my feelings through song. What I’ve got is my words, and they’re powerful things. As such I will continue to use them to push back this ever-coming darkness, even if I only ever help one person see the light.

I can only hope that these words offend. Not sure if they will, but here they are. Do with them what you will.

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