A Cross-Country Bus Trip in the US: 2022

by Cornelius Koopman Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise TLDR: Don’t do it if you can avoid it. Pros: NO baggage inspection of any kind at any stop. You control bags into and out-of luggage area. Cons: Too many to list I work from home and...

The Editor’s Notes

by Charles Curley [email protected] Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Welcome to issue 1,165 of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise. For your delight and edification, we have the usual editorial pontificating here, letters to the...

Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Send Letters to [email protected] Note: All letters to this address will be considered for publication unless they say explicitly Not For Publication Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects....