L. Neil Smith's

Number 2, November, 1995

Exposing the AIDS Scam

By Vin Suprynowicz

Special to The Libertarian Enterprise

         My choice for book of the month, or possibly of the year, is Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS, by Bryan J. Ellison and Dr. Peter H. Duesberg.
         Mr. Ellison, who seems to have done the yeoman's share of the actual scrivening here, manages to present a well-documented scientific case in a book which still catapults along like a first-rate detective story.
         Regular readers will recall that Dr. Duesberg was the noted and successful college professor (UC Berkeley), researcher in molecular biology, member of the National Academy of Sciences and leading candidate for a Nobel Prize, until he dared speak the unspeakable, publishing a 22-page paper in the March 1987 issue of Cancer Research not only proving that the HIV virus cannot be the sole cause of AIDS, but also calling into serious question the theory that AIDS is a single infectious disease caused by any microbe, at all.
         The scientific community has agreed for decades that, for an infectious agent to be identified as causing a specific disease, it must obey Koch's four postulates: 1) the causal germ will be found in high concentrations in the patient, distributed in the diseased tissue in such a way as to explain the symptoms. 2) The microbe must be isolated from the host and grown in a pure culture. 3) The microbe must consistently reproduce the original disease when introduced into a susceptible host; and 4) the microbe must then be found present in the experimental host so infected.
         The problem with the HIV-causes-AIDS orthodoxy is not that it fails one of Koch's postulates, but that it fails all four.
         Successful armies often breed failure by training the next generation to win the last war. On paper, the French looked unbeatable in 1940 -- providing the Germans attacked the same way they did in 1914.
         The parallel problem here, Mr. Ellison demonstrates, is that the so-called "microbe-hunters" were so successful in the century-and-a-half leading up to the conquest of polio in the 1950s that no one now dares challenge their insistence that little bugs must be the cause of every disease, despite the fact that their attempts to cure cancer, AIDS, and every other major remaining cause of death since the final victory over polio have all been billion-dollar flops.
         Ellison's opening chapter demonstrates the tragedy of this modern medical orthodoxy.
         Little-known outside Japan, an epidemic of SMON, or Subacute Myelo-Optic Neuropathy, caused progressive paralysis for thousands, and a miserably slow death for hundreds, in Japan from 1959 to 1970.
         The virus hunters went to work, insisting the symptoms indicated a viral agent similar to that which had been causing polio. Although the microbe-hunters never generated either a vaccine or a cure, Japan ended up committing 10 times more money to the search for the fatal microbe than had ever been dedicated to any other single disease. In 1964, virologist Masahisa Shingu actually announced the discovery of the virus which caused SMON. Meantime, while the cure was being sought, doctors prescribed for the gastric distress accompanying the illness a popular diarrhea medication called clioquinol.
         It turned out SMON was caused by the clioquinol, which had already been banned in the United States and elsewhere. When Japan banned clioquinol in 1970, the epidemic promptly ended ... just as it had begun shortly after the drug was first approved for use in 1953.
         Ellison and Duesberg argue a similar tragedy has occurred with AIDS -- that many of those who develop AIDS-like symptoms may only be suffering the effects of the drug AZT, a toxic chemotherapy originally devised for fighting cancer, which destroys the ability of the cells to reproduce and thus has become widely-known among HIV skeptics as "AIDS by prescription."
         In Britain, for example -- where the press has done a much better job of covering this debate -- the government has recently agreed to finance the lawsuit of schoolteacher Sue Threakall, whose husband, a hemophiliac, tested positive for HIV in 1985. He remained basically healthy until he started taking AZT in 1989, at which point it took him only two years to die the terrible wasting death usually associated with "AIDS."
         Britain has acknowledged -- in a way American authorities refuse to do -- that the projected spread of AIDS into the heterosexual, non-heroin-addict majority has never occurred. Ninety-five percent of AIDS cases remain, as they always have been, male homosexuals whose doctors warned them for years that their immune systems could suffer if they kept taking tetracycline daily to fight off all the opportunistic bowel infections which arose from promiscuous anal intercourse, drug users whose injection habits could easily be predicted to weaken their immune systems, and hemophiliacs.
         By the summer of 1992 the London Sunday Telegraph was reporting that the downward projection of new AIDS cases that year from 100,000 to 30,000 to 1,100 made it "apparent that ... there was no 'heterosexual Aids epidemic,' nor was there likely to be one."
         Ellison's book is available at $22.95 from Inside Story Communications, 1525 E. Noble, #102, Visalia, Calif. 93292. But this is really only the first half of the story. In my next column: Who's trying to shut down publication of Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS, and why?


Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may reach him via e-mail at [email protected]. His column is syndicated in the United States and Canada via Mountain Media Syndications, P.O. Box 4422, Las Vegas Nev. 89127.

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