Hey, Mo!
by Victor Milan
Special to The Libertarian Enterprise
Congrats, Missouri: you've cemented your status as a rape-friendly
We can, of course, see why all the Good People were unanimous in
their opposition to allowing Missouri residents to carry concealed
The giant media organs enjoy firm positions in the ruling class -- the
permanent government which actually rules the US, and which changes
not at all from election to election, from hand-puppet President to
hand-puppet President. Just as it is abidingly in the interests of
all politicians, regardless of party affiliation or nominal
beliefs, to support the disarmament of the public, so it is for the
rest of the rulership as well. Private ownership of weapons is
decentralizing, which is exactly contrary to the rulers'
interests. And the ownership of weapons to deter criminal aggression
is especially pernicious, from the viewpoint of our masters, because
after all government is not and never has been anything but a cover
for criminal aggression, i.e. robbery and enslavement -- a means of
maximizing the returns from violent crime. If the sheep get to
thinking they can successfully resist violent crime ... who knows where
that'll end?
The black churches, like black political leaders, had a similar
vested interest: they all serve, solely and devotedly, the hest and
whim of the white-dominated power elite. No single American group
suffers as greatly from being disarmed as blacks: the first Jim Crow
laws were gun-control laws. The very term "Saturday Night Special" is
a racist term derogating blacks. For truth, the Missouri black
community would be better advised to look to rappers -- at least those
who correctly proclaim that "911 Is A Joke."
Hillary Clinton certainly has profound personal motives for disarming
potential rape victims. If Juanita Broaddrick had been packing,
Hillary would be just another widow in the workforce. The wealth
available to a money laundress and high-level broker of political
favors -- not to mention income the Republicans shared from their Mena
import business -- would have been denied her, along with the other
perqs of being married to a powerful man. Hell, without Bill to cover
for her fatuous and fatheaded arrogance (so similar to his own) she'd
probably have slipped up, been disbarred, and be scuffin' hash browns
at Shoney's by now.
Naturally Missouri's professional sports teams want potential victims
of violent crime kept defanged and harmless. Hell, if victims started
sending violent felons who attacked them to the morgue, what pro
sports enterprise in the whole country would be able to field an
entire team? The NBA's top center would be a 5'10" kid from
rabbinical school. Batboys would fill baseball's lineups: "Now
stepping to the plate, Pittsburgh center fielder Chuckie Washington,
who has a note from his Mom to be absent from Martin Luther King
Elementary this afternoon." The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders would
be the Dallas Cowboys. With product like that, how could
megamillionaire sports moguls convince cities to screw billion-dollar
stadiums out of the taxpayers for them? (If only we could figure out
how they did that now, and stop them.)
Normally, the defeat of a CCW law is nothing for real devotees of
freedom, especially firearms freedom, to mourn. First, such laws
actually infringe and diminish an inalienable natural right, one
guaranteed by the highest law of the land -- the Bill of Rights -- and
require that those who would exercise their rights submit to being
licensed like dogs. What part of, "shall not be infringed" don't we
understand here, folks?
Second, such laws are obviously intended, in the not-very-long run,
to serve the same function as Mao Zedong's "Hundred Flowers" campaign
did: he encouraged open dissent, "let a hundred flowers bloom" -- and
chopped off their heads for his boutonniere. CCW permits provide the
government an instantly-accessible list of people who both own guns
and are compliant to government dictates. They can therefore, in the
fullness of time, be demonized in the media, expropriated, and packed
off to camps as dangerous undesirables -- with minimal risk, mind,
since they've already bowed the neck. When the boys in blue -- or
black -- uniforms show up at their door, they'll meekly surrender.
They can't defy -- gasp! -- duly constituted authority.
Concealed-carry permit laws are usually, therefore, an evil fraud.
But in the case of Missouri, even hard-core freedom advocates might
grudgingly acknowledge an exception. Missouri's existing anti-victim
laws are already so Hitlerian that even a slimebucket registration
scam like CCW would be a marked improvement. As it is, Missourians
might as well reside in England, where resistance of any sort to a
violent criminal is all but considered the worse crime.
And so it will remain. Rapists, muggers, thugs, buy your bus tickets.
The "Show-Me State" has shown you hospitality.
Victor Mil�n -- "The distinction between rulers and ruled is
as fundamental as the distinction between wolf and lamb -- diner
and dinner." -- Uncle John Lucero, The War For America