

L. Neil Smith's
Number 47, May 30, 1999

I Will Never Give Up My Guns

by Victor Milán
[email protected]

Exclusive to The Libertarian Enterprise

          Even with Wayne LaPierre preemptively surrendering to the demands of the gun-grabbers -- only a few more, "reasonable" infringements on our liberties -- before and during the NRA meetings in Denver, a good many well-meaning gun-owners remain obdurately among the ranks of the True Believers: you still see messages posted to rec.guns, for instance, bearing signatures such as "NRA -- Our Only Hope!" Strange, given the fact that, even when it's not selling us to our enemies for no appreciable return, the NRA "leadership" is actively pushing legislation through programs such as Operations CRIMESTRIKE and EXILE that have the effect of demonizing guns and gun ownership, and will have the effect of putting decent gun-owners in jail. Indeed, Wayne and company have also been prominent in campaigning to build more prisons to put them -- us -- in.
          It's easy to understand how well-meaning and intelligent gun owners can continue to be taken in by this evil scam. For one thing, the mass media relentlessly portray the NRA as the furthest fringe of radical resistance to "reasonable restrictions" on our right to protect ourselves against violent criminals -- including those operating under color of the state, who are the greatest enemies of our property, our liberties, and ourselves, domestic or foreign. It is hard, no matter how intellectually and viscerally one is convinced of one's beliefs, to swim upstream against Niagara Falls.
          However, it materially damages the cause of freedom to have gun owners hemorrhage their money and their efforts to an organization that will -- after having skimmed healthy six-figure cuts for the bigwigs -- generally pass it along in campaign contributions to Republicans who will roll over like roaches on anti-gun legislation. So let's try something to start getting those well-meaning but mis- -- indeed, dis- -- informed folks' heads turned around.
          Let me suggest that, before you make any contribution to any organization or individual, that you insist that the individual, or responsible officers of the organization, swear this simple oath: "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns." That's it. That's putting their money where their mouths are. Make them publicly commit:

              "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."

          Of course, most of the people we're asked to fork over money to are in reality politicians, which means they lie as casually as they steal, as they steal as casually as they blow their noses. That's the reason so many politicians are so mad at Bill Clinton: none of them is any different in any meaningful way, but his exuberant evil makes it impossible to keep up any appearance to the contrary. He reveals the truth of politics, politicians, and government for all to see. This act is unforgivable.
          So it's probably not enough just to make these politicians swear:
          "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."
          There must be penalties for noncompliance. Lying must hurt. Therefore, I suggest one more simple measure: only consider donating money to individuals and organizations when those responsible have signed a performance bond: if they ever violate the oath --

              "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."

-- then all monies they have received in contributions, all salaries they have received from the organizations they administer or represent, shall be forfeit, with interest.
          If these people who claim to represent you -- us -- deserve your money and support, why would they hesitate to take such an oath? It's not long or complicated:
          "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."
          Anybody can understand it:
          "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."
          Shouldn't this be a minimum requirement for any self-proclaimed gun-rights advocate who desires your money, your efforts, or even your attention? If they won't stand on their two legs for their own most fundamental right, what good are they to you? How can anybody claim to be helping you resist tyranny in the most fundamental form, if he or she will not bind herself or himself to this basic commitment:
          "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."
          And while you're at it, if you really believe in your right to protect yourself and your loved ones, if you believe in the right to keep and bear arms -- and believe me, without it, there are no other rights, as is being made more and more unmistakably clear throughout the Disarmed World -- why not take time yourself to swear, by your life, your God, your family, your property, your sacred honor, whatever you hold dear:
          "I will never, under any circumstances, give up my guns."

Prometheus Award-winner Victor Milán is hard at work on an epic novel of your near future, The War For America. Freedom can win.

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