

L. Neil Smith's
Number 52, July 31, 1999

Letters To The Editor

by Our Readers
Send Letters to [email protected]

Letter from Ian Fraser

Letter from Curt Howland

Letter from Lysander Firebrand

Letter from Ken Rachels

Letter from Ian Fraser

Hello Neil

I have just read your July 4 special announcement.

As a British born, New Zealand citizen - I will be honoured to sign your online petition when it is ready to go.

I have taken the liberty of enclosing my own "July 4" missive - which went out to the 15,000 subscribers of the offshore newsletter I write/edit.

Advance the revolution!

Ian Fraser
New Zealand
"Offshore & Privacy Secrets" [email protected]

The Hope of the World

I took the opportunity to read the whole Declaration of Independence and other related material - which you can read at: http://sovereign-offshore.com/freedom-001.html

And you know what? I felt goose-bumps all over. As I read those words, I was able to envisage men of STATURE -- men of PRINCIPLE, men of VISION. I was able to feel the heroism of those who were prepared to put their lives on the line -- for something they truly believed in.

Of course, the sentiments expressed in the Declaration originated with the ideas of John Locke and others. But the practical expression of such revolutionary ideas rested with these brave fellows.

I was truly moved. And I'm not even an American!

However, to me, the Declaration of Independence is far more than an "American" document. It is a global treasure. It is a document asserting man's sovereignty -- anywhere and everywhere. It is a world first. Nowhere in previous history had such a declaration been made on behalf of the rights of man. Nowhere had anyone audaciously suggested that man (the generic individual) was sovereign over his own life.

To say that we have unalienable rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -- is to say what history had hitherto denied.

It is this document that still makes America great. For at the core of their being, the people of the USA still believe it in some way. It has been responsible for the birth of the world's greatest economy - based as it was on the ideals of free trade and free movement. And the birth of the world's freest country.

For all the terrible things that are happening in the USA now, the growing tyranny, the bureaucratic abuse, the corruption, the political system -- there is still that glowing torch of belief in the American Dream -- a dream born of revolution and hope.

And America is both our despair and our hope. It is our despair because to watch this great country be gripped by the envious, treacherous, socialistic monster that is trying to tear out its very heart -- is tragic beyond comprehension. We NEED America as our inspiration.

It is our hope -- because we know that the ideals of the revolution still abide deep in the hearts of ordinary folk. We know that they will only tolerate so much -- and we hope that they will rise up again -- like on July 4, 1776 -- and lead the world once more on the path to freedom. The path to justice. The path to happiness on earth.

The groundwork has already been laid. The ideas are already in place. All that is needed is the determination and the leadership.

It is my prayer, on this July 4, that Americans do not abandon their heritage - for there is far too much at stake.

America, and what it fundamentally stands for, is the hope of the world.

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Letter from Curt Howland

Re: TLE#51,

The Libertarian Enterprise seems to have turned a corner in its publishing history. #51 was the first I remember with letters to the editor that radically disagreed with articles previously published.

Bravo! I love a good argument. :^>

Curt Howland [email protected]

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Letter from Lysander Firebrand

The problem with Limbaugh is that half his brain is in his rear end, as in dinosaur. Could he be an anal orifice? Or does he merely have shit for brains?

Lysander Firebrand
BMONAHAN [[email protected]]

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Letter from Ken Rachels

In Vin Suprynowicz' article, "No Serial Killings This Week In Santa Clara", ( The Libertarian Enterprise Number 51, July 15, 1999), talking about Benjamin Nathaniel Smith's insane crime spree, he echos the newspapers' assertions that the guns used were bought "... illegally, from an unlicensed dealer already under investigation by the BATF."

Is a person who buys and sells guns (even as many as 30 per year) necessarily a "dealer"? Must every person who buys or sells a gun be licensed?

Apparently, whether he was a "dealer" was not sufficiently clear for him to be directly arrested/charged, but only be "under investigation" by the BATF. ...

It sounds like another propagandish "everybody knows that...", directed toward eliminating weapons in the hands of individuals.

"What do they propose to do: make it illegal to buy guns illegally?" My answer is, to make it illegal to SELL a gun to anyone other than the government.

Ken Rachels
2208 Kentfield
Plano, TX 75074
[email protected]

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Kids and Psychiatric Drugs: Quick Fix or Harmful Mix?
By Gailon Totheroh
July 7, 1999

"But child psychiatrist Larry Silver disagrees, and says the media shouldn't promote Breggin's ideas.

'One person was on Ritalin who happened to do a violent crime in school. It's (the media's) so quick to damn Ritalin without first looking at what the issues were. The only direct connection was that this teenager had access to a gun and took the gun to school. Let's look at that.'"

Um, Earth to Larry ... logic check ahead:

Person was on Ritalin.
Person did violent crime in school.
Ritalin is damned "without first looking at what the issues were" (whatever that means).
Implication: Ritalin is not an issue.

Person had access to a gun.
Person did violent crime in school.
Gun is damned "without first looking at what the issues were" (likewise).
Implication: gun is an issue.

How is one logically a "direct connection" if the other is not?

Not to mention the amazing suggestion that "the media shouldn't promote Breggin's ideas".

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