

L. Neil Smith's
Number 62, December 31, 1999

Letters to the Editor

by Our Readers
Send Letters to [email protected]

Letter from P. Stephenson

Letter from David Neilson

Letter from Bob Leone

Letter from Mark Cashman

Letter from Michael Coughlin

Letter from P. Stephenson

April 1, 2000

(Washington, D.C.) Twenty-eight percent of all guns used in crime are purchased on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or so says a recent study of federal gun traces. Today, senators Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer introduced legislation to ban the sale of guns on those days.

"It's a simple, effective, and reasonable way to achieve a significant drop in gun crime," said Feinstein.

The NRA denounced the plan, saying it would place undue burden on law-abiding gun owners. Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, termed the measure "unreasonable." Said La Pierre, "The NRA has worked with lawmakers to develop sensible legislation that will achieve significant benefits without punishing law-abiding citizens." The NRA plan would ban gun sales only on Thursdays.

P. Stephenson <[email protected]>

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Letter from David Neilson


Our unalienable rights are rapidly being eroded, and the assault won't stop until they are nothing but a memory. And there is nothing you or I can do as individuals to stop the onslaught. When they come for your guns, or my guns, we can turn them over or be killed. Or maybe just be killed. Individually we are easy pickings.

But there are enough of us that if we band together and work in concert, we can reclaim our rights, and save our liberty. There is nothing the combined resources of the federal, state, and local governments could do to stop us. We have them outnumbered and outgunned. Hunters with scoped deer rifles have the same advantage over soldiers armed with M16s that colonial revolutionaries with rifles had over British troops armed with smooth bore muskets. There are millions of Americans who are sick to death of an out of control government overstepping the bounds of the constitution and trampling their rights. What we need is a way to combine the strength of our numbers to protect each of us individually as we work together to reclaim our rights.

Today most emergency services use the Incident Command System to coordinate the efforts of various agencies and groups of personnel that respond to an emergency or disaster. The system is based on the premise that one person can effectively keep track of between three and seven other people. The Incident Command System is flexible enough to coordinate the efforts of a half a dozen firefighters putting out a small grass fire, or thousands of personnel responding to the aftermath of a hurricane that destroyed several hundred miles of coastline.

Freedom lovers dedicated to reclaiming their rights and liberty can develop and maintain a network using phone trees and two-way radios, and web pages and discussion lists on the Internet. Using the Incident Command System and instantaneous worldwide communication, we can coordinate the sheer mass of our numbers to protect each other. If necessary we can secede from our increasingly tyrannical government without having to go anywhere, or win everyone else over to our side. With the technology available today we can combine our strength and resources so that we can freely exercise our rights without restriction or harassment. If we work together we can protect our liberty and save our rights.

You can join the LibertyICS discussion list by sending an email to: [email protected] or you can read the postings on the web by at: http://www.egroups.com/group/libertyics/info.html

An online guide to the Liberty Incident Command System can be found at: http://homes.acmecity.com/rosie/cool/308/libertyics.html or you can order a copy by sending $4.00 to David Neilson, PO Box 17, Smithville, Texas 78957.

David Neilson <[email protected]>

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Letter from Bob Leone Michael W. Gallagher write:

>Further, since illegal drug sales generate massive profits, even for
>street dealers, this gives the dealers more than enough cash to buy
>any sort of weapon they want usually very chromed, and very large
>caliber. Sometimes fully automatic.

I tend to phrase it this way to people who need convincing:

The drug dealers will always have guns. If all else fails, they can smuggle them into the country disguised as a routine cocaine shipment. Alternately, they could give some underpaid Army sergeant a bag full of money to look the other way while they drive off with a truck full of M-16s and grenades (drive by grenading, anyone?). Alternately, they could pay some out-of-work machinist to MAKE guns in his basement (The Afghan rebels were making AK clones using tools and equiptment inferior to what you could buy in Sears.)

Finally, if the street price of guns is driven sufficiently high, we will start seeing cops mugged for the guns on their belts. You think a crackhead wouldn't take out a cop in exchange for enough crack to keep him high for a week?

Bob Leone, Pennsylvania <[email protected]>

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Letter from Mark Cashman

Hi, John!

I imagine that, like me, you've found those anti-gun public service announcements seem to be airing everywhere. After months of being forced to listen to those blatantly slanted ads, I put together a set of scripts (currently 3 - guns vs. burglary, guns vs. rape, and guns vs. mass killings) which I've posted at my website. You can find them at http://www.temporaldoorway.com/den/advertisement/index.htm

If you'd like to publish them in TLE, I'd be glad of it. I am offering these scripts free of charge to any organization that would undertake to make and distribute the ads.

It's about time the other side of the story made it to the small screen.
Mark Cashman <[email protected]>
Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com
Author of Objectivist and Libertarian Essays and Fiction at http://www.temporaldoorway.com/den/index.htm

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Letter from Michael Coughlin

I got this today. I don't know the source, but I believe it all!

Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics:

  • 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
  • 7 have been arrested for fraud
  • 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
  • 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
  • 3 have been arrested for assault
  • 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
  • 14 have been arrested on drug related charges
  • 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
  • 21 are current defendants in lawsuits
  • In 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess which organization this is? Give up?

It's the 535 members of your United States Congress. The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Michael Coughlin <[email protected]>

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"If we do not act [to increase government control of energy, the economy, and the environment], the world of the year 2000 will be much less able to sustain life than it is now."
-- President Jimmy Carter, in his farewell speech of January 15, 1981, referring to a joint report ("Global 2000 Report to the President") prepared by the State Department and the President's Council on Environmental Quality

To which the Washington Post opined that "... the report's projections clearly err on the side of optimism."

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