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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 72, May 15, 2000 Armed Informed Mothers' Day Editor's Notesby John Taylor
Remember to vote for your favorite TLE article of all time. Send your
nomination in an e-mail to No news on the Carlos Ghigliotti front. Laurel(MD) PD is playing it
close to the vest. The coroner's report is long overdue at this
writing. I'm sure that this death will be "Fosterized", regardless.
Great articles this week -- the much-delayed reprinting of Ron
Miller's fine piece that has been making the rounds on the 'net for
weeks now ... just in case you haven't seen it elsewhere; a nice
piece just below by Jon Haupt on Mothers' Day matters; and a tasty
anti-government piece by Steve Hoff.
Last, but not least, a word on "LibBits", necessitated by an L2E
reprinted herein. Folks, "LibBits" is the section of TLE where we
present snippets that are (I hope) thought-provoking and of interest
to libertarians. They may or not represent a libertarian position;
after all, the other side does some amazingly funny (stupid-funny)
stuff that's worthy of note. I thought that the piece on licensing
teenagers was fascinating -- in the horrorshow sense of the word.
The all-caps titles I put on the "LibBits" snippets are my own. They
are meant to be relevant, provocative, and sometimes humorous.
Just a note of clarification for those of you whom I might have
confused or concerned. Rest assured, we have been, are, and will
always be, squarely on the side of
John Taylor [email protected]