

L. Neil Smith's
Number 72, May 15, 2000
Armed Informed Mothers' Day

The Moms Who Stole Mother's Day

by Jon Haupt
[email protected]

Special to TLE

May 5, 2000

My mother is 90, and now lives in a nursing home. The years have taken their toll. She no longer knows where she is, or what year or day it is. But she has had a long, wonderful life.

I am grateful that Mom has enjoyed many memorable Mother's Day celebrations. She truly deserved all of them. In my heart, I think Mom had the best of what Mother's Day used to be. I don't think Mom would like what has happened this year to her special day.

In our family, Mom always received lots of flowers, candy, and lovely cards. We would take her out to dinner. We would thank her and honor her for just being Mom, our Mom.

Mother's Day is a sensitive, rich, and beautiful tradition. Since 1914, it has become a cherished and beloved custom, and it is as precious to all of us as Mom is herself.

Occasionally we will see Mother's Day criticized for being too "commercialized." This may be partly true. But giving cards, flowers and gifts is customary and appropriate for most special occasions. And who wouldn't agree that Mother's Day is very special?

However, there is another criticism with which I wholeheartedly agree:

Mother's Day is in eminent danger of being "politicized."

Gun control activists have planned a so-called "Million Mom March" on Washington, DC -- on Mother's Day! It is a clever name, and it is getting much attention by the media.

Personally, I feel everything about this staged event is offensive and tasteless. In fact, it is monstrous.

Our nation's mothers should be deeply insulted that a pack of political activists have the nerve to try to recruit them for their own purposes.

America's moms are being brazenly used. America's moms are being asked to give up their own special day and are being told to take marching orders from hard-core, antigun grinches.

We are about to see these gun control grinches steal Mother's Day!

Instead of breakfast in bed and a massage, Mom will get a pair of marching boots. Instead of Mother's Day, America will get another political rally -- as if we haven't had enough already!

Regardless of how you feel about gun control, it is high time to begin to question the tacky, cynical tactics of the gun-hating grinches who are hell-bent on hijacking your Mother's Day.

Sadly, but understandably, a lot of moms who believe that guns are for protection will be holding counter-marches. I salute and support them. I also believe that the moms in the "Armed Informed Mothers March" may be giving up a lot more than the grinch-led, antigun moms. It was the gun control grinches who started all this. The "Second Amendment Sisters" are rightfully compelled to respond.

Let's just hope this is the last time the "informed moms" will have to leave their homes and families on Mother's Day -- of all days! -- to stand up and clarify the misguided message of the "misinformed" moms.

Times and roles will always change. "Mom" has become working mom, soccer mom, single mom, activist mom. But we also have important rituals and customs to keep us anchored.

Will our country watch passively and silently on Sunday as one more treasured tradition is exploited and spoiled by a handful agenda-driven, single-issue extremists? This is an outrage.

Moms can have, be, and do it all. But on Mother's Day, can't we just leave Washington for the politicians, and give it -- and Mom -- a well-deserved rest?

On Mother's Day, I just want to honor mom -- take her to dinner, give her cards, flowers, candy, and gifts, and, most important, give her a big hug and thank her and tell her that I love her.

On Mother's Day, I just want to remember and thank mom for reading Mother Goose -- and not for goose stepping for gun control.

Copyright � 2000 by Jon Haupt ([email protected])
All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution is permitted so long as no words are omitted, and this copyright notice and web site address http://www.jaspar.net are attached.

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