

L. Neil Smith's
Number 72, May 15, 2000
Armed Informed Mothers' Day

Election Day Is Nigh, Vote the Traitors Out!

by Steven Borglum Hoff
[email protected]

Special to TLE

Questions regarding the right of self-defense were resolved at the time the Second Amendment, armed guardian of our Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15th, 1791. Whether or not the majority of citizens believe in the right of the people (individuals) to keep and bear arms is irrelevant to the application of Constitutional Law. Intentionally disregarding degrees of social and political popularity, the Constitution equally protects the liberties of every individual. Like it of not, this is a nation of laws and not men. We do not rely on polls of public opinion in order to determine which inalienable, Constitutional rights government will permit the people to exercise. We are dependent upon "Constitutional Law" for such a judgment.

Government has no Constitutional authority, in any degree or manner, to infringe upon our inalienable, Second Amendment rights of self-protection. The Constitution was conceived for the purpose of enumerating the legitimate authority and limitations of federal government, states and the people (again, individuals).

NOTE: "Webster's University Dictionary - Infringed: 1. To violate or go beyond the limits of (e.g., a law). 2. To break (a law or agreement); fail to observe the terms of; violate. 3. To defeat: invalidate. - To encroach upon something. Infringement: 1. A violation, as of a law or agreement. 2. An encroachment, as of a privilege or right".

Unrelentingly, law-abiding men and women are harassed beyond reason and commonsense with infringing, illogical and asinine gun control laws. In their incremental efforts to abolish all guns, our government and politicians are doing precisely what the Constitution forbids. If the 20,000 (plus) federal and state gun laws (fact) do not flawlessly illustrate Webster's definitions of infringed, then no other repressive or invading action will. Within the world of authenticity, our gun laws remain as insidious acts of infringement and severe violations of Constitutional Law. They represent direct and treasonous assaults upon the inalienable rights of the American people and our sovereign Constitutional Republic.

The Second Amendment has been assailed on countless occasions. Mesmerized by visions of United Nations utopianism (world government), our sovereign government refuses obedience to Constitutional Law. Contemptuously, legislators defile Constitutional principles with blatant violations of the most fundamental commandment, "the right of the people (people = persons = individuals, never defined as a state) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

Contrary to "Socialist" propaganda, our Founding Fathers did not place limitations on the possession of arms - "(after receiving a concealed weapons permit) the right (limited by 20,000 state and federal gun laws) of the people to keep (inside their perilously unhandy gun safes) and bear arms (of specific description and registered with the Department of Justice and equipped with trigger safety locks, rendering the weapon useless for self-protection) shall not be infringed (unless feel-good solutions, opinion polls and Congress deem additional oppressive and unrealistic restrictions appropriate to their self-serving political needs)".

As a former law enforcement officer of many years, I can state with creditability that guns save innocent lives far more often than they kill. In opposition to this truth, I have heard many anti self-defense advocates say that they only want "reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership. That is of course, "for the sake of our children". My question is, does the number of twenty thousand standing gun control laws appear to be "reasonable restrictions" to anyone other than a deceitful politician or an imbecile?

Each day, they rape the Constitution and molest our inalienable rights. Our disingenuous Legislators and Supreme Court Justices belittle and dishonor the memory, intent and integrity of our Founding Fathers. These self perceived ethical scholars of law, have bastardized the Constitution with their convoluted and ambiguous interpretations of our unequivocal "Bill of Rights". Everyday, we loose a freedom that was exercised the day before. Virtue by virtue, liberty by liberty, our Constitutional Republic is being systematically eroded away.

The germane question is, would the peoples of China, Cuba, Nazi Germany (holocaust survivors have the answer), Soviet Russia, Kosovo, Chechnya and so on, have become objects of rape, torture and genocide, had the citizenry been well armed for self-defense? Unarmed, we are all vulnerable to tyranny. In truth, it is occurring to this day. Irrespective of ongoing government attempts at deception (BATF and FBI), the federally sanctioned mass murder of U. S. citizens at Waco and Ruby Ridge should serve as profound examples supporting the necessity for a well armed citizenry. Street-wise criminals and the insane are not the only threatening elements within our society requiring constant vigilance and preparedness. Dismissing firm and decisive actions to rectify government atrocities assures us of further tyranny. Demand from your legislators that they cease their unconstitutional assaults upon the American people. If your elected officials refuse to obey and defend the Constitution of the United States then vote the traitors out of office, for they are nothing less.

Self explanatory. In 1856, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that local law enforcement had no duty to protect individuals but only a general duty to enforce the laws. South v. Maryland, 59 US (HOW) 396, 15 L. Ed. 433 (1856). A U. S. Federal Appeals Court declared in 1982, "There is no constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen." Bowers v, devote, US Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit 686 F. 2d 616 (1982).

Make no mistake! Anyone, regardless of ignorance or deliberate intent, who deprives you of the means or ability to protect the lives of yourself and family is your mortal enemy and must be consciously and continuously perceived as such. All anti self-defense activists are as deadly a threat to you and your family as any uncontrolled violent criminal. Their actions contributing to the same result, government, along with many politicians and street-wise criminals must all be held accountable for the thousands of innocent lives that are lost to felonious assaults each year. Bureaucrats defiantly and unconstitutionally refuse to permit all law-abiding citizens from exercising the "First Law of Nature" (self-defense). Covertly, government is aiding and abetting the most sadistic malcontents of humanity, the psychopaths and violent criminals within this nation. Indeed, the blood is on the hands of many elected officials.

Our Founding Fathers did not endure the abuses of a tyrannical government and learn nothing. Their goal was not to create a document of government sanctioned privileges. Ingeniously, they instead provided us with the Bill of Rights which is intended to limit government. Not the people! They protect our inalienable, Creator bestowed rights and further affirm the "First Law of Nature".

The establishment of our Constitution demanded a display of courage and independence by a well armed citizenry. Its continued integrity will necessitate the same. Look around you. Be observant! Our freedoms remain in peril to this day. It will require more than indifference, complacency or fear to sustain your liberties.

Coexisting in harmony with liberty, my Second Amendment rights are NOT negotiable. I will not tolerate anymore infringements!

Steven Borglum Hoff <[email protected]>

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