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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 97, November 6, 2000 Bush Defeats Gore! On GunsIn Their Own Wordsby John Taylor
Exclusive to TLE Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, without further ado, here they are ... Frick and Frack, your "choices" for President, on the "issue" of "guns"i.e., the biological imperative to defend our lives, and the lives of those dependent on us. All content is verbatim from the candidates' web sites. (Please, no one bother to write me to point out the "differences". There are no substantive differences!) If you are even remotely considering casting a vote for either of these two blanks, or if you know someone who is, please use this article as an instructional tool. GORE ON GUNS Agenda "We stood up to the gun lobby, to pass the Brady Bill and ban deadly assault weapons. We didn't take a single gun away from a single hunter or sportsman - but we stopped nearly half a million felons, fugitives, and stalkers from buying guns." - Al Gore As a member of Congress and as Vice President, Al Gore has fought to keep guns out of the hands of criminals while protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners. He has supported a ban on assault weapons, worked to craft a compromise that helped to enact the Brady Bill, and fought to close the gun show loophole - so that everyone who wants to buy a handgun has to prove that they are legally eligible. In addition, Gore has been a vocal advocate for keeping guns out of our schools and requiring child safety locks for all new handguns. As President, Gore would: require every handgun buyer obtain a state-issued photo license, after passing a background check and safety test; ban so-called "junk guns" that are frequently used by criminals; and raise the minimum age of handgun ownership from 18 to 21. He would also take steps to oppose efforts to provide special protection for gun manufacturers and to loosen existing restrictions on concealed weapons. TOUGHER LAW ENFORCEMENT Gore believes we must: Increase penalties for gun-related crimes. Hire new federal, state, and local gun prosecutors to get gun criminals off the street and put them behind bars. Require gun manufacturers and federally-licensed sellers to report gun sales to a state authority. Oppose weakening restrictions on concealed weapons and ban concealed weapons from places of worship. GETTING GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF CRIMINALS Require every buyer of a handgun to obtain a state-issued photo license, after passing a background check and safety test. Ban so-called "junk guns" and assault weapons. Limit handgun purchases to one-a-month and require a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases. Fight to close the Gun Show Loophole that exempts unlicensed gun dealers at shows from the Brady Law, allowing them to sell guns without a background check. Oppose special legal protections for gun manufacturers. PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM GUNS Require child-safety locks for all new handguns. Raise the minimum age to possess a handgun from 18 to 21. Prohibit juveniles from possessing assault rifles and large capacity ammunition clips. Support Gun-Free Schools, requiring states to adopt a policy of mandatory 1-year expulsion for any student who brings a gun to school. Extend the Brady Law to violent juveniles, barring youth convicted of serious violent crimes in juvenile court from owning firearms as adults. Source: http://www.algore.com/guns/gun_agenda1.html BUSH ON GUNS Vigorous enforcement of current gun laws
Make instant-check prosecutions a top priority.
Background checks at gun shows and pawn shops
Increase the age for possession of a handgun
Supports Juvenile Assault Weapons Ban
Supports child safety locks for all handguns.
Project Childsafe.
Supports ban on importation of high-capacity ammunition clips.