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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 112, March 12, 2001 Ides of Millenium Shrub at the Helmby Potter
Special to TLE Moving forward! Yes, we must move forward! Our effervescent and energetic, newly-minted chief executive, George W. Bush, is apparently relishing his role as leading man on the meticulously orchestrated world stage. The grinning, winking Bush is strutting like a peacock before c�operative cameras, chest thrust forward, arms purposefully swinging in the barely concealed insouciant cowboy gait he must perceive as appropriately dignified and befitting his lofty position. In a previous column I had given Bush the benefit of the doubt as far as being the least offensive of the likely major presidential candidates leading up to the elections in the final year of the Clinton Desecration. Speaking as one of the lucky ones having had the reality of His Divine Existence unilaterally and unequivocally impressed upon his previously supremely humanist consciousness, I had remarked that Bush invoking the name of Christ in his campaign was either the proclamation of a saint, or the calculated oath of a naughty boy who might be getting his little tootsies held to the fire for a very long time. Now, after spending less than forty days in the recurrently acknowledged thespian office of the Presidency, "shrub" (this term of endearment I'm told is coined by an astute wit from the Republic of Texas) has revealed himself as an aspiring tornadic political force, spearheading the redoubled exaltation of the status quo military-industrial machine. Shrub is only too ready, willing, and able to continue the never-ending and righteous battle against drugs, despots, and terrorists�those not appearing on the officially approved listing, that is�and he ain't afraid to fire off his six-shooters once in a while just to remind any uppity recalcitrants of the fact. Even before the euphoria over Clinton's departure on Inauguration Day had begun to fade, shrub and his handlers were busy getting their ducks in a row for an initial public relations salvo demonstrating shrub's eagerness to begin "conducting the business of the people." No saint, indeed. Shrub's first move was an executive order (SURPRISE!) poking the federal nose into funding faith-based organizations and blazing the trail for a brand new and much needed mega-bureaucracy. After all, government knows which religions are best, don't they? In the meantime, in the well hidden kitchens of the oligarch, the implementation of high-tech population control mechanisms remains boiling furiously on the front burner, as was widely revealed most recently after the last Super Bowl game. Such exposure invariably appears after the fact and is nefariously and regularly downplayed or suppressed by the media arm of the state machine, employing the time proven sophist query, "If you've nothing to hide, what are you worried about?" Read an alarming account of these venal computer technology applications and the increasingly de facto state of world wide slavery at the Nessie Files if you have a strong stomach and a faith to match it. Then, just the other day, shrub and his newest buddy, ... the bubbly, smarmy, former Clinton suck-up, world player-wannabe Tony Blair, loosed a little hot brimstone on dictator du jour Saddam's playthings (and some unfortunate Iraqies who just happened to also be in the way) because, as shrub told the cameras, "It's policy, and until the policy changes, this is what we do (grin, wink)." If there was any real honesty in government at all, the high mucky-mucks in the halls of power could easily arrange to have somebody pull off an inside job and dust Saddam for a measly million or two, saving not only huge war debts, but innocent lives as well. Unfortunately, straw dogs are never put to sleep before their usefulness is outlived. If you will indulge another tangential thought, it never ceases to amaze the way professed believers condone killing people in military actions "in order to help them." Perhaps I'm missing something? And shrub? The fact of the matter is that we really didn't even need the first forty days of shrub's presidency to foresee the path we are clearly headed down now. Anybody (who works) should have known full well the ravenous and self-engorging condition of American and world politics was ill fated to improve following any election result whatsoever, especially when shrub intoned in all seriousness at the debates that, "No American should have to send more than 1/3rd of his production to the federal government." An old partying buddy of mine used to have a favorite saying that I always liked very much. It seems appropriate here. The saying? Sometimes you just have to say, "What the fuck?" And maybe someone should remind all the gloating Republicans running around these days not to take any wooden nickels. Have a nice day!