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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 112, March 12, 2001 Ides of Millenium Lessons Learnedby Minority Mike
Special to TLE Today is my birthday. Honk if you care. Here�s a few things I�ve learned over the past 51 years. Politicians and government bureaucracies are dangerous to children and other living things. They produce nothing, consume everything and are concerned only with their own advancements. Trust in God. His Will never takes you where His Grace won�t protect you. Talk with Him, He loves to hear from strangers. The fish were always biting yesterday. Communism is a murderous failure. Socialism is communism with movie stars. Freedom isn�t free, it costs a lot. Joe McCarthy, George Wallace and Barry Goldwater were right about a lot of things. John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were wrong about almost everything. The war on drugs is a loser and is actually a war on freedom of choice. Good intentions are often a front for really bad ideas. Government help is an oxymoron. All things will indeed pass, even the Clintons. If a husband does something for his wife two times, unasked, it becomes his job. Lincoln didn�t free the slaves, he created them. We are their descendants. Yankees like most things Southern, except Southerners. Eco-lunacy is communism with trees. A government tax refund is the same as a car thief returning my vehicle. Why should I be grateful to either of them for returning something they stole from me in the first place? A policeman can be my friend. The police are becoming my enemy. An armed citizen can defend himself. An unarmed citizen is a victim. Famine is man made. Television is a cancerous scourge and should be avoided at every opportunity. The minds perverted by the lies and drivel spewed forth from these propaganda machines far outnumber any benefits. The government school system is in collapse and should be dismantled. The government of the United States is at the head of the armies destroying human rights. White guilt is a communist invention and must be destroyed. Cats are conservative, dogs are liberal. I like them both anyway. My children have not lived up to my expectations and they have also far exceeded them. I miss John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Mickey Mantle, Walter Payton and Hoyt Axton. I am not ashamed of my tour in Viet Nam. I am ashamed that I believed in the government that sent me there. I learned from it though, and, should they come for my son, I�ll personally see that he gets to Canada. For this I am saddened. My parents did the best job they could at the time. The truck starts falling apart a couple of days after the last payment is made. Acceptance of personal responsibility is key to freedom. Government gives nothing, it can only take and reassign at its whim. God likes me. He likes you too, whether you believe it or not. Self pity is a sure road to the abuse of others. The amount of hair now falling off my head is about equal to the hair now growing in my ears. Self-discipline is key to peace of mind. Truth is often the exact opposite of what the masses believe. Life is not always fair, and neither am I.