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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 123, May 28, 2001 DECORATION DAY One-Term George, Take Two!by L. Neil Smith
Special to TLE I got a message the other day with the subject, "W. Wimps Out". It seems that despite election results and other events that would push a brighter individual the opposite way, Republican President George Bush is about to give the victim disarmament industry several things they want. I don't know why this should come as a surprise to anybody. When Bush visited my home state, Colorado, during the recent campaign, he stood beside Socialist ... er, Republican Bill Owens, a particularly odious specimen dubbed "Governor Gungrabber" by anyone who cares about the Second Amendment in this state, declaring that he supports Owens' antigun legislative agenda, which includes shutting down gun shows, registering (maybe even banning) private sales between individuals, and forcing gun owners to lock their weapons up where they won't pose a threat to his moral and spiritual kin, the muggers, rapists, and burglars. Even that wasn't much of a surprise. Bush had pushed nearly the same agenda in his home state, although certain gun activists -- those who've lost the point of the Second Amendment and thrown their lot in with the National Rifle Association and its openly illegal bonnet-bees Project Exile and instant background checks -- didn't want to discuss it. They preferred to crow about the Texas governor's enthusiasm for licensed concealed carry, believing (or at least claiming) that it's a pro-gun measure. It is not. It's precisely the same idea as New York's infamous Sullivan Act, one of the first victim disarmament laws in US history. Not only does such a law create a public registry of gun owners -- and often their guns -- it collects photographs, fingerprints, and Social Security numbers, and forces gun owners to undergo intolerable physical and psychiatric probing, not to mention hours of expensive statist indoctrination at their own expense, a point hardly lost on certain bloodsucking mercantilists wetting their camouflaged pants in anticipation of being able to furnish said indoctrination for a hefty fee. "Ah," said Huey Long, "but we will call it anti fascism." Almost 30 years ago, the great libertarian writer and lecturer Robert LeFevre showed me the real nature and function of Republicans. They're Socialist Party "B". Whenever you get turned off by the vomitous cannibalism of the Democrats, and determined to resist, in charges the second string to finish their work for them, calming you down, helping you adjust, making you feel grateful you're about to be mugged, raped, and robbed by "goodguys" instead of those despicable "badguys". Governor Gungrabber, for instance, recently held a special session of the legislature because it "failed", during the regular gangbang, to pass acceptable measures to "responsibly manage growth", a phrase Lenin would have been proud of. In other words, for whatever reason, they acted in a moral and legal manner (show me where the Constitution lets them to tell me what I can do with my own property) and the vile wad of Republican phlegm in the governor's office reacted by having them arrested and confined until they consented to do the evil bidding of whatever masters he serves. Happily, they never could agree on how to ravage the property rights of Coloradoans, and the special session ended T.S. Eliotly, not with a bang but with a petulant collectivist whimper. The President's no different. He's spent most of his term, so far, working on proposals that would bring Gus Hall and Norman Thomas back to life and set the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves. The idea, for example, that the government is about to become a drugstore for the poisonously parasitic New Deal generation is just plain putrid. Now I assume, because George III (after his wimpy old man and the guy with wooden teeth) has no discernable principles and stands for no uniquely American value he's ever bothered to tell us about, that he's doing all this stuff because he wants to get reelected in 2004 and he wants his party to fare better than it looks like they're about to in 2002. If so, his handlers should keep three things in mind for him: First, his extremely narrow (if not actually negative) margin in 2000; Second, the fact that Waco Willie Clinton himself attributed the defeat of his own flatulent handpuppet (as well as the 1994 Republican "revolution", although not many observers seemed to notice it) to gun owners; Third, another demonstrated fact, that libertarians, although they can't ever win elections themselves, can easily determine in close campaigns like his own, whether the winner will be a Republican or a Democrat. To summarize: George III and his minions won because -- and only because -- of gun owners and libertarians. Are you listening George? Then imagine what will happen if libertarians work together against you. It can be arranged. And there's only one way in which it can be prevented. Enforce the Bill of Rights. To begin with, if you want to survive politically, stop listening to the Second Amendment quislings and fifth-columnists you seem to think represent gun owners, the ones your party bought and paid for and that Democrats like to use as punching bags in the leftist mass media. Enforce the Bill of Rights. The National Rifle Association no longer speaks for me. Nor did it ever have my leave to bargain away my unalienable, individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon, rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything, any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission -- now, not even in exchange for the benevolent government providing us with glorious utopian Xanadulike shooting ranges or other socialist sops. Enforce the Bill of Rights. The same goes for the state rifle and pistol association and all the rest of the NRA's various tentacles out across Flyover Country. In my experience, you could exchange Wayne LaPierre for Sarah Brady in the middle of the night and nobody would ever notice the difference. I support Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership -- and to give you an idea of who you're dealing with here, Gun Owners of America is on probation with me just now, until they prove to me that they're not planning to bend over and grab their ankles in the time-honored NRA tradition. Enforce the Bill of Rights. Now, before you ask me just who the hell I think I am -- are you listening, George? -- I'm one of the individuals who decided last year that, for its cowardice and treachery in signing Waco Willie's Second Amendment suicide pact, Smith and Wesson had to be punished. A year later, its retail sales cut in half by our boycott, S&W has been sold for about 15% of its former value to an Arizona company with only five employees. What if gun owners boycotted Republicans while libertarians ran against them? Yes, I hear you blubbering. I know that would put the Democrats back in office. It's up to you, George, to prove to me that it makes any difference where my rights are concerned. From where I've stood for the past 40 years, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. There's an easy way out. Enforce the Bill of Rights. Before the 2002 election, simply repeal, nullify, or otherwise dispose of every gun law passed, promulgated, or shoved up our kazoos -- mostly by Republicans like Brady Bill-Bob Dole -- during your father's term or that of Waco Willie, especially the assault on semiautomatic weapons and the insane magazine limit. Good faith tries don't count. Your party of crooks, cretins, and cowards used up any good faith I might have had long ago. Get it done or get an honest job. Enforce the Bill of Rights. Before the 2004 election, the 1968 Gun Control Act has to go. Enforce the Bill of Rights. And if you care about your party, then before 2006, the gun laws passed under false pretenses in the 1930s have to be gotten rid of, too. Enforce the Bill of Rights. If you're not up to it, then I'll happily separate gun owners from the Republican Party and help the Libertarian Party make sure that you and yours never violate your oath to uphold the Constitution ever again. Enforce the Bill of Rights. No bargaining, no negotiation. Enforce the Bill of Rights. Or let the GOP join S&W.