

L. Neil Smith's
Number 139, September 17, 2001
Nine One One
"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim." -- L. Neil Smith

L. Neil Smith, Publisher
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Book News

Forge of the Elders Now Available in Paperback from Baen Books!, by L. Neil Smith

Lever Action, by L. Neil Smith has been selected as the "Freedom Book of the Month for May 2001" by Free-Market.net

Material on the effort to draft Smith in 2004 is available at: http://www.smith2004.org/

How would you feel if you no longer feared your government ... ? NOW SHIPPING Hope the new novel by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith.

Hope has just been awarded the "Freedom Book of the Month for August 2001" by

Free Market Net

The Mitzvah Movie!

NEW: Watch for L. Neil Smith's long-awaited The American Zone plus a new trade paperback edition of The Probability Broach from Tor Books, respectively, in November and December, 2001.
Pre-order The American Zone from Amazon.com via that link!
And Pre-order the trade paperback edition of The Probability Broach from that one!

NEW: L. Neil Smith's Forge of the Elders Wins Prometheus Award

1. Letters To The Editor
                  from Our Readers

2. Morning of Horror
                  by L. Neil Smith

3. It Didn't Work
                  by Victor Milan

4. It Can't Happen Here?
                  by Jeff Elkins

5. September 11, 2001: Gun Death Day
                  by William Stone, III

6. Back to Sanity ... The Only Course
                  by William Westmiller

7. Failing the Test
                  by The Hunter

8. The Passangers Were All Disarmed
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

9. While Norman Leared
                  by L. Neil Smith

You've read about it, now if you want to DO more FREEDOM in your life, check out:

Doing Freedom!

This ain't no collection of essays and philosophical musings!

Doing Freedom! Magazine and Services specializes in
hard-core, hands-on, how-to information that is meant to be
more than entertaining and interesting; our goal is to be useful.

Back to The Libertarian Enterprise 2001 Issues.

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Web edition of TLE courtesy of Ken Holder.

Permission is hereby granted to quote from The Libertarian Enterprise, provided that the article is printed in full, recognition is given to the author, and TLE is cited (please mention the issue number).

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